This music video really is cringe as fuck.



He started his video with "So". Do I hate youtubers or Limp Bizkit the most. Why can't they write their thoughts in a post and I can read it in 2 minutes while listening to good music.
I was going through this thread that limp bizkit and Fred durst were and are totally GAY.

Then this reminded how incredibly faggot YouTube and zoomers are and now I'm convinced limp bizkit kicks ass by today's standards.

Can someone name me a good music artist who's emerged in the last 10 years?

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
Then this reminded how incredibly faggot YouTube and zoomers are and now I'm convinced limp bizkit kicks ass by today's standards.
This is where I'm at. Limp Bizkit was about two things: having fun and teaching kids how to say 'fuck' as many times as possible.

I remember playing Chocolate Starfish as a joke with a co-worker and like four songs in we were like "actually this is pretty good". Rap-rock sucks but they pull it off to be fawkin honest witcha.
this guy summed up fred durst and limp bizkit. basically he was the pied piper of douchery as a genre.

LOL Sgt. D, dude used to write some hilarious shit about wigger slam metal bands, like Cephalotripsy, Orchidectomy, Infernal Revulsion, Internal Bleeding, Short Bus Pile Up, NJ DOTS and shit like that. Coined the term "Chigger slam" for Chinese slam metal bands, but he's all PC now and doesn't do that shit anymore.


Nighs Wonger, Stupid

"It's just one of those days!" Is it?

0:20 holy shit, that's edgy! Can she do that?!

Enjoy your privileged childhood!

Guess you never punched pillows getting the anger out to Break Stuff? Yeah dude, sometimes it is just one of those days, when you're 13 and furious at the world.


Enjoy your privileged childhood!

Guess you never punched pillows getting the anger out to Break Stuff? Yeah dude, sometimes it is just one of those days, when you're 13 and furious at the world.
The song is good, the video SUCKS.