This looks so fucking awful but people are eating it up because "omg but it's Winnie the Pooh! Can they DO that?!"


Within a few years you will be required to act like other people's imaginary friends are real. If an autistic retard brings their teddy bear into work, you will need to address it like a real person. These movies will be purged as hate speech.
10 years ago I would say this is a dumb exaggeration. Now it's like saying next month is October.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
This is the only thing that caught my attention. :image_9249:


Don't care to watch it though. Does anyone bother watching horror films anymore?


it doesn't taste all that good
There's actually a good idea buried deep in here somewhere but the trailer sets it up like this guy was playing with kids in animal costumes and only now are they feral and trying to kill him.

You could totally do a movie where this guy lived on a farm and gave all the animals names in some lonely childhood past and have them be real animals that somehow mutated into giant 10 foot tall manbearpig creatures, have everyone die and not fuck it up if you get a limited amount of good CGI.

Instead it's a couple of guys in some thrown away CFB mascot costumes

Looks bad, but I dig Disney not getting their way when it comes to copyright issues.
Our 1st take was that this is Disney killing Winnie the Pooh as a childrens franchise for the Chinese on the orders of Xi Linping


Within a few years you will be required to act like other people's imaginary friends are real. If an autistic retard brings their teddy bear into work, you will need to address it like a real person. These movies will be purged as hate speech.
I’m hoping the upcoming recession will slap some sense into the whiners and weaklings. A lot of these soyboys graduated into an economy where jobs were plentiful and rates were low.

I’d interview recent grads with no meaningful experience and they’d expect high salaries with tons of time off. Then they’d constantly talk about not being sure if the work is for them even though they didn’t put any effort to learn the basics like uploading docs to share point or proofreading an email.

Let’s see them operate in an environment where there are 20 applicants for 4 roles and they are expected to be in the office 5 days a week.


The Dirty Potter people already did this years ago. By the end of this video, they have already destroyed any "Bad Pooh" concept after it.



I’m hoping the upcoming recession will slap some sense into the whiners and weaklings. A lot of these soyboys graduated into an economy where jobs were plentiful and rates were low.

I’d interview recent grads with no meaningful experience and they’d expect high salaries with tons of time off. Then they’d constantly talk about not being sure if the work is for them even though they didn’t put any effort to learn the basics like uploading docs to share point or proofreading an email.

Let’s see them operate in an environment where there are 20 applicants for 4 roles and they are expected to be in the office 5 days a week.
Employers always act surprised that people with no work experience don't understand working. They're just doing what they've been told since school but with no real guidance.

It's like all the guys in their 50s losing their jobs because they're completely out of date then being upset they can't keep demanding the same high salary for their next job if they can even get one.


Employers always act surprised that people with no work experience don't understand working. They're just doing what they've been told since school but with no real guidance.

It's like all the guys in their 50s losing their jobs because they're completely out of date then being upset they can't keep demanding the same high salary for their next job if they can even get one.
That's a fair point - if their parents weren't telling them how to act then how the fuck else would they know?

Either way, they stink and I don't like them.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Within a few years you will be required to act like other people's imaginary friends are real. If an autistic retard brings their teddy bear into work, you will need to address it like a real person. These movies will be purged as hate speech.
Its already here. Look up Tulpas