This guy ruins every movie he’s in.

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
That's what everyone says. I'm not joking. Tons of people have said they've heard things, but no actual stories ever come out. I'm beginning to think he's just a straight edge vegan that simply has a really good publicist.

From what I've seen, he does have a good publicist. Being in Hollywood I think is a shield in some ways, but hell, that's why you didn't hear Jimmy Stewart was a cocksman until decades after he died.

Leto, though... I just hear too many similar stories. His kind of crowd is not the kind I run in, but the people who work the venues I go to work all over, and he tours worldwide.

So, people hear things, and some claim to see things, but that's all I really know. And I know I don't like it.


Heard he's allegedly got a nice lil cult of ladies that worship him. When the money & drugs are gone we'll hear their stories eventually. Allegedly.
I knew a girl I liked (and she liked me back but it never worked out) IRL who was obsessed with him. It was a huge turn off.. Because she made it seem like some personality thing and not that he was marketed EXACTLY to her demographic. I hate when women talk about dudes but I cant replicate and tak about women because they just cant compete with male objectification. But yes, I was jealous of him for some time.


A fawkin piece like the Opester's

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Big cocks are a dime a dozen, half the drugged oout skell zombies roaming downtown have 9-10 inch ant-eaters. Women dont worship big coks, they just enjoy them... its size gueen faggots mostly:



Big cocks are a dime a dozen, half the drugged oout skell zombies roaming downtown have 9-10 inch ant-eaters. Women dont worship big coks, they just enjoy them... its size gueen faggots mostly:

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It's always roasties thirsting over that shit. Men are so much less picky about women. Big titties is for little boys to thirst over. I stopped caring about that shit after getting out of my mid teens.


He was good in quite a few roles in the late 90s/early 00s - American Psycho/Fight Club/Panic Room.

I don't remember seeing anything about him other than that awful looking joker portrayal since then though, so I'm sure you're right.
Forgot he was in American Psycho. I liked him in that and Requiem but hated him in Blade Runner although the worst part of that movie was the score and not the acting.