"Things I learned while Patrick was drinking"

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?

"Aren't I a character? Me me me me, believe this lie, it's about me!"


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
Porque, we've been over this.
You don't have any friends because if you did, one of them would have stepped in to help with your crippling online addiction.
Also, women find you repulsive, so this statement is unbelievable on two levels.

While we're discussing your many, many lies, I have a question for you Porque. If you're so good with cars, and work on them often, where do you keep your tools? You've never posted a photo of yourself with so much as an screwdriver in you hoof.


Hopefuly an x-ray that shows Pat is dying of cancer.
Porque, we've been over this.
You don't have any friends because if you did, one of them would have stepped in to help with your crippling online addiction.
Also, women find you repulsive, so this statement is unbelievable on two levels.

While we're discussing your many, many lies, I have a question for you Porque. If you're so good with cars, and work on them often, where do you keep your tools? You've never posted a photo of yourself with so much as an screwdriver in you hoof.
Porque. Haven’t you degenerate bastards stolen enough of my ribs lol. He really does the work for us.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
if i were a less-self-aware person I would assume that such a "folder" was mocking how retarded I am, but when one would be caught documenting into it they would play it off as if it were a goofy folder of endearment

It reminds me of my first out of college job, where some 30+ year old autist was doing so many fucking socially retarded things in a week that I decided to make a .txt file documenting every new thing because they were literally sitcom plot-points but less funny since they just happened in real life

I'm glad someone's probably doing this to Patrick's gay ass mannerisms