THEY SAY ITS ALL WRONG!….We know it’s all right.



California Raisins.

All I want is a woman like this.
Is that too much to ask for bros?



Italians are legitimately niggers. Ever hear a black justify their intelligence? They’ll point to their “artists” aka rappers. Italians do the same shit. They act like they’re equal to whites because they have “artists” aka crooning faggots like Sinatra and Dean Martin. I fucking hate them so much.

You don’t think these people are cool and deserve respect?




I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I remember when Sinatra died, Joe was interviewed for the first time in probably 15 years, and he took the time to shit on Phil Hartman because Hartman’s Sinatra impression wasn’t respectful. Fuck this guy.
Yeah he was such a a pussy about even doing any impression of Sinatra because he was afraid he'd be mad. Who cares what that wop souse thought? Sure he had buddies who were mobbed up but they weren't going to just go beat up or kill some random civilian for lightly mocking him. The way people (especially dagos) act like he was some godfather is fucking embarrassing.



The Piscopo tapes is one of my most revisited OnA bits. The image of Nana waking up confused from a drunken stupor to see Joe Piscopo playing a flute on TV will always make me laugh.

Anyone else think the song sounds like a rip off on the dark side from Eddie and the cruisers?