THEY SAY ITS ALL WRONG!….We know it’s all right.

Sue Lightning


Do you think he played a song for him too? He usually doesn’t do this but he wants to be serious for a second can he just play a song would that be alright it’s just a straight song no jokes..


May St. Mel bless you
I like when Joe Pissnpoo talks about his time on SNL in the early '80s because he acts like him and Eddie Murphy were partners. Never hears Eddie say the same thing, oddly enough. Hey Joe, how many movies you and Eddie do together? How many tranny hookers you pick up out driving together?


May St. Mel bless you
I remember when Sinatra died, Joe was interviewed for the first time in probably 15 years, and he took the time to shit on Phil Hartman because Hartman’s Sinatra impression wasn’t respectful. Fuck this guy.

Wops who treat Sinatra like an icon who is above reproach need to be deported. Pat Cooper lost a lot of his guinea audience for trashing the fucker, but at least he had Patrice and us.

Sue Lightning

He was one of the first of their kind that could pass as white. That’s why they called him Old Blue Eyes.
Italians are legitimately niggers. Ever hear a black justify their intelligence? They’ll point to their “artists” aka rappers. Italians do the same shit. They act like they’re equal to whites because they have “artists” aka crooning faggots like Sinatra and Dean Martin. I fucking hate them so much.
Italians are legitimately niggers. Ever hear a black justify their intelligence? They’ll point to their “artists” aka rappers. Italians do the same shit. They act like they’re equal to whites because they have “artists” aka crooning faggots like Sinatra and Dean Martin. I fucking hate them so much.
So who are you are you actually for?... I know it won't be a 'Britfag', no matter how cool I look... is the epitome of cool a 'florida man'? LOL

Sue Lightning

Italiens are really a think of the past with their 'gangster' shit... they get cucked my wed-sellers on instragram... they really fell-off to nothing
They went from some of the most feared, respected, powerful, and rich ethnic groups in the entire US. And all they are now is a literal clown stereotype that, if a black person acted how they did, would get lambasted for imitating minstrel show esque qualities. It is not natural or normal to walk around with those fucking hand gestures going OOOOOOHH OOOOOOOHH JOEY HOW DUH FUG ARE YA!!!! (Which is not an exaggeration. They are all like this.)