There's a 5th "Predator" movie bein made


Human garbage
"one ugly motherfucker"



Joe's Filipino Supervisor
These sequals are trying to appease an audience that doesn't exist. This genre isn't for the woke or the blue hairs. The first one had Jesse call people slack jawed faggots and he's a sexual Tyrannosaur. For them to have a successful predator movie they have to play to their audience. Get some larger than life action heroes (do they even exist anymore) not the fag from the office, or some 98 pound Brit.
You can have a brave woman, but ultimately she still has to be the damsel in distress. Then and only then do you have a chance to make a good sequel.


hard drive full of CP media
The trailer is better than The Predator. That was beyond horse shit.
The Predator was some next level insanity. Bloated, extremely stupid, completely uninspired. It was everything that is wrong with Hollywood. They desperately wanted to have a fucking Predator Cinematic Universe.

This one looks like a low-to-mid budget remake of Suburban Sasquatch. It will be very bad, probably worse than 'Predators' but not offensively bad like 'The Predator'.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
This movie’s storyline doesn’t matter to me as it’s sjw Disney shit. What matters to me are gory kills of redskins, gory kills of English settlers and the upcoming NECA Predator figure based on the movie. I like NECA’s Predator stuff.


Still spreading the O&A virus
The Predator was some next level insanity. Bloated, extremely stupid, completely uninspired. It was everything that is wrong with Hollywood. They desperately wanted to have a fucking Predator Cinematic Universe.
They already did. Predator 2 had an Alien skull in it. There was AVP1 and AVP2 movies. Alien Prometheus introduced new aliens with the Engineers. They were tying that all together in the comics and books as well. Shane Black is just an untalented faggot who has Hollywood connections and got to make his abortion of a movie.


Wow, I thought the youtube comments would be full of soys, but they're actually normal:

"She said she wants to hunt cause nobody believed she can't. Well they are right, she can't hunt and she almost died from it, if not for the predator saving her butt from the bear."