There was no reason for Vito’s storyline to be that long



The thing that grinds my gears about the Vito story is that is was a gay rehash of the Tony B stuff from last season. Two guys from the NJ family who Phil wants dead or he'll go to war with Tony.

Yea but this time it was GAY tho
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Sopranos is well written and the benchmark for tv shows, but it still shows its flaws here and there. For one, you could tell the Writer's Kike-y disconnection from reality: the big deal everybody makes about seeing a psychiatrist, I just don't understand and that's the main plot point of the series. What, Italians are these savage, unsophisticated rubes they cant comprehend seeing one? Too unrealistic.

Yet later on Christophy becomes a writer in Hollywood? How is that not seen as weak if these same ppl think going to psychologist is? Inconsistent BS. They both underestimate and overestimate Italians.

Also lot of the series was filler with 3, 4 good episodes per season. This is the truth guys.
There's a lot of things to complain about, but the psychologist stuff is not one of them. Melfi represents us the viewer observing and asking questions to Tony.

I hate shrinks as much as the next guy, but it's just another mafia/mob show without that stuff.


Where we at with the Analyze This?

Hit the pillow. Classic.

Fuck that movie. That was basically the catalyst of one Robert de Niro stopped being serious and started doing horrible comedies.