Theory about why Pat is no longer a “stand-up”


Stand Alone Fruit
So we all know Pat was a terrible comedian due to being not funny but he’s dropped almost any reference to being a stand up and part of the “comedy community” that he claimed was so strong in his area. I think I know why…

Pat got caught stealing jokes. We’ve seen how it rips everything from everyone else online and his books are rips of popular work which he can get away with because nobody buys his books.

But stand up? They don’t take kindly to comedians ripping jokes from others. He doesn’t even seem to interact with any of those in his local comedy community and doesn’t even try to host or do open mic. He got caught ripping people off and in turn they all stopped contact with him. He even took “stand up comedian” out of his profiles because I’m sure someone close to him (not us) called him out for stealing and all the Wisconsin comedians hate him.
imo, it's pretty simple:
  • Pat sucks at standup and is not funny
  • Pat alienated himself from the standup community just by being himself
  • Pat destroyed too many stages because they were not built to support his ample carriage
Think: do you ever see Pat talking to anyone from the Milwaukee or Chicago standup "scenes"? No. The closest is him simping for Hog Mild, and she moved away to Seattle or California or something several years ago. The more they got to know Pat, the more they hated him. If you look back, his standup videos and performances started drying up when Trump became president and his Abortion Tweet got him more twitter followers. He became increasingly insufferable, so he was put on the Pay No Mind list and eventually got to where he is now: no standup performances (aside from one open mic) in three years.


Pat is a charmless dick. If you're going to be in the comedy community and you're a dick, you better be fucking funny. Even then, people won't want to work with you. Comedy- even at the open mic level is like a job and it has politics. Pat with his black & white thinking meats is fucking radioactive in that kind of environment.

Pat sucks the air out of any room he's in. He's simply not funny-- engaging or a nice guy. He can't even fake it. He's an awkward creep who never made people laugh for the right reasons. He's also has negative charm, charisma, and likeability. He's boar and a bore--
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Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I’d argue it’s because he has to bomb publicly. “Writing” as he sort of does, isn’t a face to face. No one reads his book then tells him it fucking sucks to his face. He bombs then has to look into a room of disinterested people. That and it would require constant improvement to succeed in. Rick writes a shitty book, a few people buy it, he gets to feel like he’s successful.

TLDR he’s a fat layabout who puts 0 effort into anything.

Sink Inspector

SFWA hate site monitoring agent #2
it's a small niche, the comedians all know he was close buddies with that prolific pedophile and want nothing to do with sex pests

besides he's too full of himself to accept that a room full of people don't find his gay ruminations funny. Safer to stay online and blame stalkers for his extremely low engagement metrics for a 50k-followers account.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
He even took “stand up comedian” out of his profiles because I’m sure someone close to him (not us) called him out for stealing and all the Wisconsin comedians hate him.
No, we definitely called him on it. Somebody found a clip of him doing a Carlin bit, badly, and once he knew we'd caught him cheating he had to drop it.

It's the same reason he took "triathlon" and "half-marathon" out of his bio - Carol caught him, and his inherit piggy shame made him delete all references.


Stand Alone Fruit
No, we definitely called him on it. Somebody found a clip of him doing a Carlin bit, badly, and once he knew we'd caught him cheating he had to drop it.

It's the same reason he took "triathlon" and "half-marathon" out of his bio - Carol caught him, and his inherit piggy shame made him delete all references.
That’s true but I have a feeling his “comedy buddies” that he used to speak so highly of have all dropped him. He’s an awful person but I bet he got caught by them as well stealing. I bet he blocked all his comedy buddies that called him out for stealing so he could still claim online to be a comedian. That is until some little rascals heard him talking shit on Norm.


ImJustJenAndImEnough, AndImGreatAtJewingStuff
Comedy- even at the open mic level is like a job and it has politics. Pat with his black & white thinking meats is fucking radioactive in that kind of environment.

Bingo. Pat thinks so highly of himself, he expected to march up on stage and wow the comedy world. Get a phone call the next morning from the top comedy booking agent begging Patrick to sign with him, he hasn't seen anyone this brilliant since Carlin. To make it in comedy, you have to start by sucking up to established comedians in the hopes you can open for them, let you on their podcast, etc.

He has no social savvy or whatever you'd call it. Didn't have any friends in high school, didn't make any friends in college, never worked in an office environment. Yet he'll waltz into a field with the funniest people in the world and instantly become one of the top comics. Like LeBron going from high school to the NBA, the entire nation captivated by the sheer talent of the wunderkind.


His utter silence means there must have been an embarrassing confrontation...probably worse than Mencia because his face is more punchable.

They probably huddled over him at some Wisconsin comedy club with the more confident comics shoving their fingers sharply into his chest, calling him a hack and telling him he's no longer welcome 'round here.