The Worst Moments in Television Thread

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader

I laughed so hard at this ridiculous scene. They tried to make a big dramatic death for a character that was a retard and said one word the whole time. There was no reason to give a shit about him and his death was comical. His name Hodor meaning “Hold the Door” is also about the gayest shit George RR Martin could have thought of. If you enjoy it, I’m sorry, but this scene and this dumb character are such a joke.

shouldve name himself jackmeoff or cuntfucker what a dumb dumb


Don't tell these simpleminded faggots.

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I've heard nothing but praise for The Wire for years and yet this "iconic" scene feels like it belongs in a movie Redlettermedia would feature on Best of the Worst.
Someone here a long time ago said the comment section of The Wire clips is everyone analyzing how it relates to chess and it had my ribs bruised the way they put it. It might have been Cuntfucker now that I think about it.
The Wire comment sections are 50% preppy white faggots trying to intellectualize the black man's strife and 50% hoodrats who think they're smart for pointing out that "Slim Charles was da smartest pawn". I like the show, but I don't like people who like the show.

"He said the same thing I learned about in social studies class, but he said it in, like, street slang. That makes it more profound".
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Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
This moment was pivotal in making faggotry ok. Wouldna happened on Adolfs watch.

This goofy dykes show literally got cancelled because of this scene. After debuting this episode the network started putting parental advisories at the beginning of each show and then after a few more episodes just said fuck it and scrapped the whole thing. Nowadays network execs and the media would be lining up to take turns tongue-punching her clit. Amazing how far this country has fallen in a mere two decades
The Wire comment sections are 50% preppy white faggots trying to intellectualize the black man's strife and 50% hoodrats who think they're smart for pointing out that "Slim Charles was da smartest pawn". I like the show, but I don't like people who like the show.

"He said the same thing I learned about in social studies class, but he said it in, like, street slang. That makes it more profound".
While I did genuinely enjoy "The Wire", it was rather ham-fisted and preachy at times. Like that Waylon guy, Bubbles' NA sponsor, he was just awful. And that tall black guy who played the mayor's aide, Querns from "Oz", I couldn't stand him.


It’s hard to believe this clip doesn’t get talked about more.

When the egg slips in.

I hate watched the entire series. At first I tried to legit get into it, but it rapidly devolved into cartoonish trash, then it got so bad it was actually hilarious. They did a big season finale scene where the Jax character ascended to the club presidency, and they scored it with a terrible, terrible cover version of "House Of The Rising Sun" (son) and it was honestly LOL funny. And the series finale was epically, hilariously awful.

The "Lost" finale, where they were all gathered in some gay non-denominational church, laughing and dancing around...just a pitiful, pitiful moment.
Yeah I'm sure you really watched 7 seasons of something despite hating it, I guarantee your ass loved every moment of it until someone on this site told you it sucks so now thats your opinion
The biggest, most useless piece of shit on TV.

If there ever was a straight-up ticket to hell, Stephen Colbert's got one.

If anyone's got his personal contact details I'd make time to edit clips of the disabled, shaking neurologically damaged people into his little skit & send it to him.

Knowing the influence he has over a large number of rubes (or people without time/ability to research), there's a level of evil in that compilation that washes over me.

Anywayss... back to the jokes.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
If there ever was a straight-up ticket to hell, Stephen Colbert's got one.

If anyone's got his personal contact details I'd make time to edit clips of the disabled, shaking neurologically damaged people into his little skit & send it to him.

Knowing the influence he has over a large number of rubes (or people without time/ability to research), there's a level of evil in that compilation that washes over me.

Anywayss... back to the jokes.
All those late night shows lean left, but Colbert's show is straight left wing propaganda to the point it's not even a comedy show anymore.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
I hate watched the entire series. At first I tried to legit get into it, but it rapidly devolved into cartoonish trash, then it got so bad it was actually hilarious. They did a big season finale scene where the Jax character ascended to the club presidency, and they scored it with a terrible, terrible cover version of "House Of The Rising Sun" (son) and it was honestly LOL funny. And the series finale was epically, hilariously awful.

The "Lost" finale, where they were all gathered in some gay non-denominational church, laughing and dancing around...just a pitiful, pitiful moment.
The music choices were always too on the nose and the covers they chose (especially sung by Katey sagal) were dogshit
Yeah I'm sure you really watched 7 seasons of something despite hating it, I guarantee your ass loved every moment of it until someone on this site told you it sucks so now thats your opinion
I watched the first two seasons unironically. But at the end of season two, there was a scene where some guy stole Jax's baby, then escaped on a tiny boat. It was just hilarious, and after that I watched it as a comedy.