The Worst Moments in Television Thread

My ribs have never recovered

I hate watched the entire series. At first I tried to legit get into it, but it rapidly devolved into cartoonish trash, then it got so bad it was actually hilarious. They did a big season finale scene where the Jax character ascended to the club presidency, and they scored it with a terrible, terrible cover version of "House Of The Rising Sun" (son) and it was honestly LOL funny. And the series finale was epically, hilariously awful.

The "Lost" finale, where they were all gathered in some gay non-denominational church, laughing and dancing around...just a pitiful, pitiful moment.


Get up here and shut up!
(Technically a live event not a TV show):

-Kanye West and Mike Myers during Katrina
Worst moment? That was hilarious. You could just see Mike Myers's career flashing before his eyes.

Speaking of Katrina, WWAW "THERE'S A PERSON! THERE'S A PERSON STRANDED! THERE'S A PERSON GOD DAMMIT!" or the whole, "LET THEM TOUCH THOSE THINGS." Then there's, "They are so poor, and they are so black." That hurricane had so many greatest hits.


Access to the Debates

I laughed so hard at this ridiculous scene. They tried to make a big dramatic death for a character that was a retard and said one word the whole time. There was no reason to give a shit about him and his death was comical. His name Hodor meaning “Hold the Door” is also about the gayest shit George RR Martin could have thought of. If you enjoy it, I’m sorry, but this scene and this dumb character are such a joke.



I laughed so hard at this ridiculous scene. They tried to make a big dramatic death for a character that was a retard and said one word the whole time. There was no reason to give a shit about him and his death was comical. His name Hodor meaning “Hold the Door” is also about the gayest shit George RR Martin could have thought of. If you enjoy it, I’m sorry, but this scene and this dumb character are such a joke.
Oh dude... thanks for making me shit my pants.