The wife has never seen "do the right thing"

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
How do I explain that spike lee isn't a giant race bating homo?
How do I explain that the sky isn't blue.

The climactic riot scene is a hilarious riot. Sal screams the N word at all the niggers in his pizzeria, then takes a baseball bat to Radio Rahim's loud-ass ghetto blaster, and then the cops finish off Radio Rahim George Floyd style after he tried to do it to Sal, but of course niggers can't do anything successfully.

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ImJustJen AndImEnough AndImGreatAt JewingStuff
How do I explain that the sky isn't blue.

The climactic riot scene is a hilarious riot. Sal screams the N word at all the niggers in his pizzeria, then takes a baseball bat to Radio Rahim's loud-ass ghetto blaster, and then the cops finish off Radio Rahim George Floyd style after he tried to do it to Sal, but of course niggers can't do anything successfully.

The point Spike was trying to make is that blacks and Italians really aren't that different. The Italian heroes on the walls represent something the Italians are proud of, but the blacks are annoyed by. Public Enemy on the beatbox is something the blacks are proud of, but the Italians are annoyed by. There's also a matter of "infringing on turf", Italians going "this is our restaurant!" while the blacks go "this is our neighborhood!" Sal turns to violence first by smashing Raheem's baseball bat, and Raheem resorts to violence as well by trying to beat up Sal.

Note how Spike's insert character (which he plays himself) isn't involved in escalating the conflict, Gus Fring is. Spike is trying to cool everyone down.

But then the one difference between the blacks and Italians is made clear when the cops show up, identify Raheem as the "threat" because he's black, and give him the George Floyd treatment.

I mean have you guys seen Jungle Fever? One of the most brutally honest films about race relations between two groups.

Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
No actually they hate Asian store owners and would gladly smash that place up.
The most ridiculous bandwagon virtue signaling I've seen was on a chink knockoff company homepage on Amazon. All on one page, it was begging people to Stop Asian Hate and to Support BLM. I thought slants are supposed to be smart and inhumanly logical. That company was a bunch of oxy morons.

Stop Antisemitism!
Heil Hitler!


Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
How do I explain that the sky isn't blue.

The climactic riot scene is a hilarious riot. Sal screams the N word at all the niggers in his pizzeria, then takes a baseball bat to Radio Rahim's loud-ass ghetto blaster, and then the cops finish off Radio Rahim George Floyd style after he tried to do it to Sal, but of course niggers can't do anything successfully.

Spoiler alert.
The point Spike was trying to make is that blacks and Italians really aren't that different. The Italian heroes on the walls represent something the Italians are proud of, but the blacks are annoyed by. Public Enemy on the beatbox is something the blacks are proud of, but the Italians are annoyed by. There's also a matter of "infringing on turf", Italians going "this is our restaurant!" while the blacks go "this is our neighborhood!" Sal turns to violence first by smashing Raheem's baseball bat, and Raheem resorts to violence as well by trying to beat up Sal.

Note how Spike's insert character (which he plays himself) isn't involved in escalating the conflict, Gus Fring is. Spike is trying to cool everyone down.

But then the one difference between the blacks and Italians is made clear when the cops show up, identify Raheem as the "threat" because he's black, and give him the George Floyd treatment.

I mean have you guys seen Jungle Fever? One of the most brutally honest films about race relations between two groups.

Thank you for giving a serious breakdown of the movie's subtext. Never understood why Mookie threw the trashcan through Sal's window until it was revealed that he did it so as to break the tension.