The Thing That Pisses Me Off The Most About Pat Is That He Continues To Identify As A Conservative-


Other than owning guns, he holds literally Zero conservative beliefs--

He's for:

Open borders
Universal Healthcare
Inflation (as he doesn't give a fuck about gas prices)
Trans Youth/Sex education for 9 year Olds
He's atheist
He supports the LGBT (political part)
Supports BLM

I'm sure I'm forgetting some of his other idiotic positions that run counter to conservatism or being a Republican.

I know he is trying to identify as "one of the good ones," and fishing for a role as some sort of political pundit, but he literally supports almost every liberal/leftist policy possible. How could a guy who aced Civics in HS be so oblivious and hypocritical?
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What pisses me off the most is the way he and his manly wife spend money while they earn none and contribute zero to society while they just live off of other people.

I when it's time to collect on the lawsuit money it hits them both really fucking hard and they can't Weasle their way out with bankruptcy

Uncle Anthony Cumia

Hot tubs, guns and slack jawed brothers
I love the Liberal meltdown. I find it really comical a bunch of people that constantly advocate for bloated overreaching tyrannical federal government are mad they’re the ones paying for it instead of Billionaires. You should pay for it, you’re the one who wants it, dummy.