The SFWA Responds to ApostleGate 6


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick

Didn't they ease up the requirements to pump up the diversity numbahs? Sounds like Ol' Cora "Never Relax" Buhlert isn't a fan of some of the riff raff that comes along with "those people."


Someone made a copy of the member directory because it had zero security in 2022.


These are the people who obsess about science fiction and the future. Paint me a vision of space travel where everyone uses pneumatic tubes for communication, faggots.
I assume it’s just for transferring child porn between space stations. Always good to have hard copies so they don’t get lost... IN SPACE.


What would you do for a Klondike bar?
View attachment 46448

Didn't they ease up the requirements to pump up the diversity numbahs? Sounds like Ol' Cora "Never Relax" Buhlert isn't a fan of some of the riff raff that comes along with "those people."

They gave away free membership to people of color during Black History Month. A couple of months later, all their shit gets stolen.


posting here is taking time away from my workouts
A number of authors were talking about all this in private and asking what the hell is wrong with the people who did this shit. And you know, there's a lot to unpack in those words.

And then he unpacks absolutely nothing, fails to address anything that happened, fails to address his own club electing nambla members to high rank positions and setting up legal funds (and websites) supporting the release of convicted pedophiles.

Yeah, Jason Sanford.. what's wrong with us?


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
Of course, the irony is that Ellison also did many horrible things, including harassing people (he admitted a harassment campaign against a fan who'd first harassed him in "Xenogenesis"), mailing a dead gopher to a publisher who'd violated his contract, making repeated legal threats against people who criticized his behavior (I speak from personal experience here with regards to Ellison using his lawyers to threaten people), groping Connie Willis on stage at the 2006 Hugo Awards ceremony, and attacking an ABC executive, breaking his pelvis.
What a fucking piece of shit Jason Sanford is. Lists a bunch of supposedly heinous shit that Harlan Ellison has done (including a sternly written Brinton Restoish email presumably. I'm so sorry, Jason) to give the impression that he's willing to call out his own.... and yet he fails to mention that Ellison DEFENDED CONVICTED PEDOPHILE ED KRAMER FOR REPEATEDLY FUCKING CHILDREN. Why would he omit something like that, I wonder?

Also, I just read this blog post denouncing Ellison and found this fun fact:
I still remember a cringe-inducing essay in one of his books where he talks about how his friend got raped by a black man and how he doesn't know how to approach it because racism - seriously.
On the one hand his close friend doesn't want to get raped, on the other hand we must respect Tyrone's lived experience as a brave POC living in racist America. It's a tough one, man.


jason sanford wrote about it too
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This guy makes perfect sense. I mean who would argue that free speech is anything but, silencing others from speaking freely? How can I speak freely if somebody else is giving a chance to rebut me? Why do these fools all fear what other people say if what they're saying is so good? They all should just be rounded up and thrown in mental wards.