The most hateable human being on earth


Them boys would fly in the mud over my house
This is true. Even if he was to be completely rid of all the rascals from here, he wouldn't be one bit happier. He chooses to seek out conflict all day on Twitter. That is not the behavior of a healthy and happy person.

Being obsessed with politics and constantly getting angry over it is one of the dumbest things you could ever do. You have almost no control over what politicians do yet Patrick chooses to obsess over it every day. He defends his hero daddy Biden and continues to let Trump and his supporters live in his fat head rent free.
Enjoy your miserable life, you worthless sack of shit. You deserve it :pig1
Spending all day on twitter is not healthy or productive for ANYONE, let alone a massively obese person that engages in petty arguments all day, who is also on medication for high blood pressure and has an out of control drinking problem.