The loser pirate is talking tough again


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show

RIP big dawg. Always liked that fella. This pirate cocksucker on the other hand. Isnt this the one that had the chris chan style meltdown in the car with their sibling about some menial little bullshit like gender pronoun or something? Or was that a diff genetic abomination? Its getting hard to differentiate these queers anymore.

RIP big dawg. Always liked that fella.
Looks very much like Plato in the School of Athens

This pirate cocksucker on the other hand. Isnt this the one that had the chris chan style meltdown in the car with their sibling about some menial little bullshit like gender pronoun or something? Or was that a diff genetic abomination? Its getting hard to differentiate these queers anymore.
No, that was Abner Gate (lest you be trolled a second time)


Was there someone impersonating the pirate guy at one time? Because I could swear there was an account that looked just like his but was making fun of Rick in the pirate voice? Like it was TriemVisual or it looked like it (maybe the last L was a capital i?) but it would say things like "Yaaarrrrrr matey, I think ye be lookin a little overweight there Patrick".