The lack of self-awareness is Bobo / Lady Di levels here


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer

Fat is lucky to get 100+ likes but her has 46K followers…


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
It’s almost like…Twitter isn’t relevant and hasn’t been in years. Wrong, Child!

Also I’m sure Dr Oz isn’t the one “making” tweets, he has a social media coordinator / manager person on the payroll doing that. That’s right, somehow who actually gets paid to post online while pig does it for free under a pink blanket.
The fart blanket is one of 2021's MVPs


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Dr. Oz is probably funding a lot of it himself, idiot. The guy is worth high 8 / low 9 figures because not only is he a respected doctor, he's also a television star.

Is there a single tweet where Pat doesn't make himself look like a mouth breathing moron?
Being the richest man on earth didn't prevent Elon Musk from being called an idiot by Rick


Stand Alone Fruit
Dr. Oz is probably funding a lot of it himself, idiot. The guy is worth high 8 / low 9 figures because not only is he a respected doctor, he's also a television star.

Is there a single tweet where Pat doesn't make himself look like a mouth breathing moron?
And he’s got Oprah on his side, I’m sure she has donated some to his campaign. Pat of course needs to put down a successful doctor and tv host because his twitter doesn’t get enough “engagement” according to an fat unemployed bum.


"If elected, he would be the first [URL='']Muslim[/URL] to [URL='']serve in the U.S. Senate[/URL]"


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Followers/subscribers mean nothing ultimately. Pat sees it as some lifelong declaration of devotion to a content creator but it literally requires no more effort than pushing a button. People do it all the time on a whim because they might like one video or tweet from a person. This is why you get dead YouTube channels that have millions of subscribers but average a few thousand views per video.

This deluded pig thinks that because he had a few viral tweets years ago and got a bit of attention, that means 46K people are still hanging on his every word.

Silly fatso cunt.