The funniest thing Adam Friedland ever did



This still makes me laugh. Toothy idiot.


Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
I forgot how occasionally based Ilhan Omar is. Chelsea got so panicked when an actual leftist answered the JQ.

I know for a fact he has said things that made me laugh, but I can't remember a single one. Shitting your pants in a camp chair while wearing white linen pants is a good bit though.

It gets even better.



❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
They get super triggered over at if you remind them that every funny Cumtown clip on YouTube ends when Adam starts speaking.

No one even talks about the podcast there anymore. Your point stands about the old show though. That show pretty much always sucked though. “So I watched a movie with Jason Bateman the other day.” “More like Jason Masturbates Men.” *uncontrollable cackling*

Consensual Rapist

私は爆発的な下痢をしています! ^_^
Without looking at the replies, I can imagine, “Oh my god, you’re so beautiful!!!” From Ted Bundy Fan 82.
“Don’t listen to that man, sunshine!” From some black lady.
“Your father cheated on your mom, haha.” From this board.

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
No one even talks about the podcast there anymore. Your point stands about the old show though. That show pretty much always sucked though. “So I watched a movie with Jason Bateman the other day.” “More like Jason Masturbates Men.” *uncontrollable cackling*
For every Robocop/Batman or Thousand Island Stare there's at least a dozen "what if Santa Claus was gay and instead of giving presents he gave blowjobs?" fillers.
I think Adam's peak on cumtown was when he outplayed Nick with "Not-Gay Nick", or at his most self-loathing during the Fiveish bit.