The fat man is eating an entire grandma-style pizza alone his first night in Detroit at #Penguicon


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick


You can easily find 20 or 30 of us who be willing (genuinely, I'd tell you if they were lying) to box Pat in a controlled legal setting.

If Pat could fight me and win I'd pay his legal fees. I have no real experience and am probably a good 40 or 50 pounds lighter than him.

Pats weakness is that he is a fat out of shape cunt. A huge fucking pussy. He has possible rage strength from an autistic spergout but he's such an overweight drunk he'd burn out in 30 seconds.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Going to have to respectfully disagree. It’s pretty good when done well.
Seems a little dough heavy to me, but i'd be willing to try it at least. But nothing annoys me more than the people who try to signal how much more cultured they are like Pat is. Same with the faggots who would always say "oh well this isn't Reaaaaaal pizza, they don't serve it this way in Italy." there It's dough, marinara, mozzarella, toppings. fuck off niggers.


Seems a little dough heavy to me, but i'd be willing to try it at least. But nothing annoys me more than the people who try to signal how much more cultured they are like Pat is. Same with the faggots who would always say "oh well this isn't Reaaaaaal pizza, they don't serve it this way in Italy." there It's dough, marinara, mozzarella, toppings. fuck off niggers.
Yeah it is bready so if you don’t like that then you may not care for it. It’s like a nice buttery crispy outside with chewy inside then sauce and cheese on top. Not a pile of slop like a chicago style.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Pat loves his carbs so its no surprise that he eats a whole pizza to himself. Just looked it up and man that is a lot of bread. Im sure it tastes fine but damn thats a lot.



I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Yeah it is bready so if you don’t like that then you may not care for it. It’s like a nice buttery crispy outside with chewy inside then sauce and cheese on top. Not a pile of slop like a chicago style.
Stuffed pizza is better for that. like deep dish but there's a crust below, you layer in the toppings and cheese, then put another crust on top with the tomato sauce on top. Definitely cuts down on the mess. usually after the first couple bites you can just pick it up.


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To be clear, Patrick thinks that rectangular pizza should "be in the conversation" with normal pizza and retarded deep dish pizza.
Of course they should, retard. What other types even are there? Pizza bagels and pizza boats?
He meant to type ‘fuck me’ but his giant fat fingers accidentally typed something vaguely heterosexual. He’s also fat.