The College protests in the news are a DISTRACTION according to a fat retard


You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
Convincing a shit ton of Christian dipshits that they're no longer European by blood, but just an amorphous blob of nothing called "white" is what has damned us. These colorblind retards cant tell that just because talmudic Js are pale, they're not the same people as you, nor do they consider you an equal. Scofield ruined Christianity in America.
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May St. Mel bless you
Well this ain't the movies they will actually suffer like the countless people "canceled" since 2016 for far less
I believe Collages can expell people even if they already payed tuition
Ilhan Omar’s daughter was suspended from Columbia for protesting for Palestine. They kicked out the kid of a Congresswoman. Jews are not fucking around.


Stand Alone Fruit
He’s still going - that Jon Davis guy is his only ballwasher now. He might be almost as pathetic as Uncle Paul


and her hair smells like red froot loops
He’s still going - that Jon Davis guy is his only ballwasher now. He might be almost as pathetic as Uncle Paul
View attachment 196634

How would Al Gore have prevented 9/11? Are we thinking badass Democrat President figures out which planes are going to be hijacked and stops them at the last moment like a Mission Impossible movie? Or does Bin Laden see America choose the correct President and go "you know what, let's not do the plane thing, these guys are cooler than I thought."
Convincing a shit ton of Christian dipshits that they're no longer European by blood, but just an amorphous blob of nothing called "white" is what has damned us. These colorblind retards cant tell that just because talmudic Js are pale, they're not the same people as you, nor do they consider you an equal. Scofield ruined Christianity in America.
I had to stop talking to a mexican friend of mine because he wouldnt accept that jews arent white. Turns out mexicans are sephardic jews that engage in getting their boys laid at age 13 like kikes. Fuck all mexicans.

Sue Lightning

not the safe space known as Threads!

View attachment 196631View attachment 196632

With friends like Pat, Biden doesn't need enemies.
In Patricks world everyone who votes Democrat doesn’t have a right to see what they want out of the politicians you vote in. Vote in a dude who says he’s gonna be green and then pumps a shit ton of oil? Who cares. Better vote for him again in 4 years, despite the fact that he’s done NOTHING to earn your vote.

Just a month ago there was memorandum Biden put out. It stated that any nation that receives arms / funding from us has to commit to protecting civilians / preventing war crimes. Israel signed it and what did Blinken do? Determined Israel is abiding by all the rules of war. (They very obviously aren’t)

So even if Biden can’t literally call Bibi and tell him to stop (He can), there are still a million other actions that COULD have been taken but Biden simply refused to.


I had to stop talking to a mexican friend of mine because he wouldnt accept that jews arent white. Turns out mexicans are sephardic jews that engage in getting their boys laid at age 13 like kikes. Fuck all mexicans.
This guy told me they all name themselves "Jesus" to blaspheme (because Latin America was settled by cryptos).
He’s still going - that Jon Davis guy is his only ballwasher now. He might be almost as pathetic as Uncle Paul
View attachment 196634
Patrick is older than me and I still remember how the protests against the Iraq War were the largest since Vietnam... He is correct basically, but what he doesn't mention always speaks volumes. NAFTA under Clinton, Obama bailing out the banks while still allowing them to take people's property, ect... What a fucking mark for the Democrats, it's just disgusting at this point.