The best photo of geno disconte

watch him hide from brennan , Keep in mind, I believe in ants shitty new book, at this moment in time, Nana thought brennan was 100% going to kill Geno.

I always enjoy watching Nana wilt and shrivel in the face of confrontation. His voice gets all screechy, he clutches furiously at his beer binky, he makes retarded jokes no one hears, and sits there with that gay bloated bemused look on his pug-ugly wop mug. He loses control of his own show instantly, and just sits there tittering nervously and yelling "NO!" like a complete homo. The best part is when he decided to break out his "black chick at a Wawa" gag at the exact moment no one was listening, and it just hangs there, highlighting his total ineptitude and cowardice in the face of what was actually a pretty goddamned gay argument between two queers.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
As much as I fucking hate Scammin Mcinnes, when hes not shilling CIA jewish talking points to the stupid goyim or making out with men he can be pretty hilarious.
Never thought I’d say this but I’m really excited for geno’s shitty football stream to come back. That’s the best time to fuck wit him because he reads the chat the whole time. Had lots of fun with that last year