The Beatles - overrated faggots?


Great food
Paul and John were most certainly faggots, but I like Ringo and George.

I do like The Beatles, but Pet Sounds is 100x better than any Beatles album if you ask me. It's a shame we never got to hear Smile the way it was intended to be.

I do love Revolver and The White Album. Sgt. Pepper's sucks balls though and I'll never understand how anyone considers it their best album.
There's many bootleg versions and fan made comps of Smile that are excellent.
They may have been faggots on a personal level, I don't give a shit anyway, but no, their music is not anywhere near overrated and to say so shows a stunning lack of knowledge of popular music as a whole. I can't be arsed explaining why and a quick internet search about their musical impact would articulate it better than I can. Sniff.


Jacques De Gautier
Do you guys need your music to be deep man? Shut the fuck up, the Beatles are great and overthinking it is stupid
IMO "overrated faggots" is a little harsh. I've never been a big Beatles guy, there are maybe a dozen or so songs I've always really liked, but they were always a little too silly and fruity for my tastes. While they weren't the first or the only, they did really start the whole "rock group" phenomenon, and they released some albums it took a lot of balls to make. They probably could have kept doing twee little pop songs forever, but instead they went in some peculiar directions, and I can respect that.