The Batman (2022) is three hours long. WTF?

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
I hear its kinda like Seven in tone. I have been putting it off because of the runtime (same with dune).


I tried.

I actually think Pattinson is a great actor. Good Times, Lighthouse, he was the best thing in Devil all the Time and that shitty Lost City of Z movie. I was surprised that the teen idol guy from Twilight actually has chops. And he was good as Wayne and Batman, very different take on both characters than anyone else.

But it was too gloomy and slow. I watched most of it over 2 nights but didn't finish the last 20 minutes or so. That was a month ago or whenever it came onto HBO Max. No big urge to go back and finish it.
Check out The Rover, he's great in that too


I hear its kinda like Seven in tone. I have been putting it off because of the runtime (same with dune).
Seven is definitely a huge inspiration for it. I generally avoid capeshit, but I said fuck it and watched it on HBO. It wasn't amazing, but it's certainly entertaining. There's some gay shit in it, but it's not as bad as Marvel. It definitely needed to be cut down by at least 20 minutes.

Dune was overrated as fuck. There's nothing memorable about any of it. It's slavishly close to the book, and dull as fuck. You're better off with the David Lynch version.


I wish they could have at least made him somewhat interesting. Make him a flamboyant gay Riddler or something.

'Riddle me this, Batman. I can't donate blood and I'll die from "pneumonia". What am I?'



I have a face like a shovel
it's very good

the exclusion of the origin story was greatly appreciated.

Furthermore it's been several times before however I will resound how this works wonderfully as a "Year 2" story when Bruce Wayne is still getting used to understanding what it is to be "Vengeance"

The idea that Bruce Wayne hasn't yet learned to use Bruce Wayne as a "Facade" lets the audience see that the protagonist is still working on how this vigilante thing is going to work out. He's not this guy who has a contingency plan for every situation like he's known to have in the comics. No- he's a guy who has the same mood as both Bruce Wayne, and "Vengeance".

Bonus- they used "something in the way" at perfect moments....


Yea I gave up halfway yesterday. I thought it was coming to an end and checked to see where I was and at 1 hour 44m I was halfway through. Then the black cat woman says something about white privilege and I peaced out.

I can deal with long movies like LOTR Extended but the pacing is awful.


May St. Mel bless you
Then the black cat woman says something about white privilege and I peaced out.

Then you missed the part where the family of the murdered mayor stand on the podium in solidarity with the black woman who was running against him. Because it's a new day for Gotham and black women will fix everything the white man ruined.

Now that I think about, by the logic of the movie, Riddler only killed people who were making Gotham worse. He's a fat Ted Kaczynski.


Stick with the 1989 film, still the best one.
I tried watching it again a few years ago...doesn't hold up. However Burton's Batman Returns is probably the best of all of them.

does anyone like anything anymore?
Hey, I didn't hate it. Like I said, it was entertaining. Pretty good performances, minus Paul Dano. I guess he was a method fag and would do like a hundred takes of the Riddler videos, and you can tell. He's trying so hard. Normally he's great. No origin story was a relief. It just desperately needed further editing. 6/10.