The Based Homeless Megathread

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Gonna autistically step on the bit here just to point out that Mr. Trammell owned a local sign making business for over 25 years. Don't want any lurkers thinking that Piggy is in any way a more valuable member of society than Bern tha Kang was.

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I dislike spooks as much as the next guy, but I hate criminals who escape justice even more. The Pig musssssst answer for his crimes.


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.


The Backbone of America
I used to date a chick who lived in the city so we'd end up on the fucking bus sometimes. It seemed like no matter what bus we were taking where, there was usually this one homeless guy who claimed to be IRA and would address me as "Irish" and try to talk to me about "the cause." I'd tell him I'm not Irish and he'd tell me I'm wrong and he can tell. He also would compliment my ex's son in a non creepy way like "boy's gonna be a fighter just like you, Irish. Looks just like ya." Again, not my son and he doesn't look like me. I was always half assed entertained by the guy but I was always waiting for the time he snapped on someone and I'd have to choke him out.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
Saw a black homeless gentleman in a wheelchair furiously beating off this morning. He was facing inwards in a portapotty with the door wide open. Fortunately you couldn't see anything other than his arm jackhammering that shit like he was mad at it.


I've noticed a surge recently of the gypsy type "homeless" in my area. The kind that have their whole disgusting family on display on street corners, or come up and harass you at the gas pump.

I don't hate them though. I hate the faggot retards that give them money, they should be imprisoned.


I've noticed a surge recently of the gypsy type "homeless" in my area. The kind that have their whole disgusting family on display on street corners, or come up and harass you at the gas pump.

I don't hate them though. I hate the faggot retards that give them money, they should be imprisoned.
I miss the old black homeless dudes. They had personality...I use to work in a building close to a downtown area that had a dilapidated gas station near that I would occasionally stop at on my way home and this funny ass black bum would ways pump my gas for $2 while talking shit/cracking jokes. He never lied. He would just straight up say that he was panhandling for drug and beer money. The agreement was always $2, so if I only had a 5 on me he would actually give me 3 bucks back, I miss that old dude. On one Christmas eve I popped the drunk and handed him a box that had 4 40 ounces of malt liquor, 2 packs of Newports, and a 20 spot for a bag... He damn near cried. As far as I'm concerned he earned it for offering a service while also making me laugh.

Now all I see are pathetic young white dudes standing at intersections looking like they just cry all day.