The actual greatest video game of all time



The only good capeshit game on the SNES. Sorry you are so stupid.
9:09 That they made this into an actual fucking Boss fight just makes me think of how Burton barnyard’ this sequel. They begged him to come back and the studio made him pay them back with a high return and a shitload of freaked out fucked up movie goers [NSFW] [MEDIA=gfycat]height=720;id=DesertedConfusedAbyssiniancat;width=1280[/MEDIA]


This was easily the best X-Men console game. Batman Returns and Death & Return of Superman were really good capeshit games as well.
They were cross screen fighters. This game even more. Each character was cool, too. Wolverine was obviously the best but Cyclops had that great KO, Gambit was kinda the same.

Beast was cool in a freak way like if Sam Roberts had been given a freakish dosage but without being gay. The broad had a nice ass. Can’t believe they got away with that.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
The expert weighs in



Interesting concept ruined by dog ugly woman
Surpsingly picked the good ones
Dogshit indie trash that trannies dilate to
Great game
Never played it
Woke dogshit
Good Mario Kart but not the best
Good game but the fanbase ruined it
Never heard of it
Fucking trash "reboot" of a classic franchise
Ditto from above
Weeb trash
Decent underated Zelda with a lot of issues.

It's like those rage bait 4chan posts where there is good things put in with absolute shit to make people angry.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
They were cross screen fighters. This game even more. Each character was cool, too. Wolverine was obviously the best but Cyclops had that great KO, Gambit was kinda the same.

Beast was cool in a freak way like if Sam Roberts had been given a freakish dosage but without being gay. The broad had a nice ass. Can’t believe they got away with that.
X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse had really well drawn characters and backgrounds that looked as near arcade quality as the SNES could handle. Capcom did excellent work when they had the Marvel license and they should have tried harder to keep it. The Punisher arcade game is a real classic that is not brought up enough. Capcom also killed it with Aliens vs Predator, which is now a Disney/Marvel property.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Interesting concept ruined by dog ugly woman
Surpsingly picked the good ones
Dogshit indie trash that trannies dilate to
Great game
Never played it
Woke dogshit
Good Mario Kart but not the best
Good game but the fanbase ruined it
Never heard of it
Fucking trash "reboot" of a classic franchise
Ditto from above
Weeb trash
Decent underated Zelda with a lot of issues.

It's like those rage bait 4chan posts where there is good things put in with absolute shit to make people angry.
Soul Reaver is a good game, but I have always preferred Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen. Kain looks like Vigo the Carpathian and can refill energy by attacking a villager to drink their blood. A fun PS1 game. I am a big fan of Zelda 2, but it certainly does have its issues. The near constant overworld monster attacks are annoying as hell, but the rpg system in the game was a good design choice. Either way the guy who wrote that list is a faggot.
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X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse had really well drawn characters and backgrounds that looked as near arcade quality as the SNES could handle. Capcom did excellent work when they had the Marvel license and they should have tried harder to keep it. The Punisher arcade game is a real classic that is not brought up enough. Capcom also killed it with Aliens vs Predator, which is now a Disney/Marvel property.
I remember the Alien vs Predator arcade game being far superior but then again I’m a humongous queer (no homo). Never played The Punisher (re homo) but heard it was a great shooter. End of story.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
I remember the Alien vs Predator arcade game being far superior but then again I’m a humongous queer (no homo). Never played The Punisher (re homo) but heard it was a great shooter. End of story.
Download MAME and the bios & rom. Punisher is a lot of fun. Player 2 plays as Nick Fury. Capcom did the AvP arcade game, the 90s console versions were made by other companies and are pieces of shit. The Aliens arcade game is worth downloading as well.