Thank the people who stopped by to get a book signed


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
I've scrolled through that #WorldCon2021 hashtag daily and have not seen one group picture or reference to Patrick.

There is zero proof (yet) that he interacted with a single soul at WC.
Which is funny because that's all anyone who went there did, take selfies with people. Paul is a ghoul and he's got pictures with like 20 people, yet you didn't see a pic of him and Rick


Stand Alone Fruit
What a dipshit. You would thank your fans after the signing last friday. Not wait 3 days. He is such a transparent phony. He probably saw posts here about him being ungrateful.
Exactly, he wouldn’t need to post anyone’s info that came, just a blanket statement of thanks for everyone who came by, said hello, bought a book, etc. but piggy can never thank anyone for anything. He can’t even congratulate his peers without asking for a job in the same tweet. He’s a miserable cunt that is jealous of anyone with any success. It’s why he hates Elon Musk, Bezo’s, Trump, Ben Carson, etc.


Transparently fake fat ass. The show was fucking dead and he's a nobody. If anyone did come to his booth he should be able call them out by name. That's what a genuine guy who appreciates his fans would do. "Not as much of a turnout for obvious reasons, but I'd like to thank those of you who did come by to chat and get a book signed, Tulip and Dominic Franchitti."

Year 10 and he's still in "fake it till you make it" mode. Give it up, dude.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
He used to post pictures like this regularly from conventions. Why didn't a single one of these many satisfied customers want to take a picture for your Twitter following this time, Rick? Are we to believe you're above this kind of tacky behavior now? Pat, wha happen?



(PST tier high beams, very disrespectful)