Tell us what's PFG in your life!


don't call me scarface
i freaking love sean paul. he's still trying to cling on to the crossover thing years after it's over, which is sad. his pure dancehall stuff is fire

loved the dutty rock, the other one.. also breathe was good, don't know what he's up to now but that song you posted slaps and claps


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I was pretty close to hanging myself a few months ago and was in horrible benzo withdrawal, now I have a job again and things are PFG.
Glad you doing better man... You ever need to chat just DM me (remember I'm unreliable so nothing personal if slow)

Likewise, @Karl_Childers_Blade . Never hesitate if you need a positive word.

I'm disappointed we're not getting any color and numbers here though, hehehehehe knowwhatImean?