Super Mario Movie trailer

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
more like the Super Kike Bros.



Formerly know as Fat Abbot
[QUOTE="Big Van Vader, post: 500167, member: 152"] The untalented kike Seth Rogen is playing Donkey Kong in this movie. Why does Seth Rogen continue to get work outside of his kikery? The guy sucks at acting, writing, producing, voice work and pottery while being an entitled faggot on social media. I want to watch him get shoved into an oven. The trailer is a lot better than I expected. Looks like a decent movie to take your kids to. [/QUOTE] You answered your own question [QUOTE="Big Van Vader, post: 500167, member: 152"] The untalented kike Seth Rogen is playing Donkey Kong in this movie. Why does Seth Rogen continue to get work outside of his kikery? The guy sucks at acting, writing, producing, voice work and pottery while being an entitled faggot on social media. I want to watch him get shoved into an oven. The trailer is a lot better than I expected. Looks like a decent movie to take your kids to. [/QUOTE] You answered your own question


[QUOTE="Big Van Vader, post: 500167, member: 152"] The untalented kike Seth Rogen is playing Donkey Kong in this movie. Why does Seth Rogen continue to get work outside of his kikery? The guy sucks at acting, writing, producing, voice work and pottery while being an entitled faggot on social media. I want to watch him get shoved into an oven. The trailer is a lot better than I expected. Looks like a decent movie to take your kids to. [/QUOTE] You answered your own question [QUOTE="Big Van Vader, post: 500167, member: 152"] The untalented kike Seth Rogen is playing Donkey Kong in this movie. Why does Seth Rogen continue to get work outside of his kikery? The guy sucks at acting, writing, producing, voice work and pottery while being an entitled faggot on social media. I want to watch him get shoved into an oven. The trailer is a lot better than I expected. Looks like a decent movie to take your kids to. [/QUOTE] You answered your own question


Visually it looks amazing and it will be quite stunning in 4k/HDR on an OLED. Other than that I don't really care but they did nail the art style and transition it to the movie very well. My one issue with Nintendo has always been its underpowered hardware. Imagine the mario games you'd get in something like the PS5/Series X in 4k/60/HDR. It would look like the movie pretty much but in real time.


If anyone goes to see this without it being for your kid or nephew, they should be beheaded before the first scene rolls.

I will say though, the graphics look pretty cool and 8 year old me would be fucking stoked. But Mario not having a bad caricature of an Italian-English accent is pretty fucking gay.
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If anyone goes to see this without it being for your kid or nephew, they should be beheaded before the first scene rolls.

I will say though, the graphics look pretty cool and 8 year old me would be fucking stoked. But Mario not having a bad caricature of an Italian-English accent is pretty fucking gay.
I h8ed the cartoon as a kid coz Mario had no Italian accent. But I deduced from my nintendo magazines it was coz he didnt have that accent until N64.

But this movie has no excuse. I would hate this shit as a kid.

But movie execs need to hire big name stars that kids dont care about for... reasons???