Super Mario Movie trailer


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
My body is ready!



Still spreading the O&A virus
I cringed at every second. I had to force myself through to the end. Who is this for exactly? The same crowd that watch like My Little Pony and dress up as dogs and practice bestiality? Minor attracted faggots?

Imagine being older than 14 and watching Harry Potter and Mario movies and comic book crap.


I remember at 10 years old or whatever being taken by my buddy Jack's mother to see Super Mario Bros and waiting in the lobby afterwards while this petite blonde lady complained about what a piece of shit the movie was and how she wanted either a refund or tickets for another movie. We got tickets for Groundhog Day a couple of days later. Result.

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
Genuinely, it looks fine for a kids movie and I bet any Brothamen who go see it with their kids won't hate the movie. You'll fucking despise the fat sweaty Pat-style soigoi clapping and farting his way through it two rows ahead, possibly blocking your kid's view when he stands up and cheers. It's very sad that I know exactly which of my childless near-40 friends is going to tell me how great this movie was. Good luck and Godspeed.

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
The untalented kike Seth Rogen is playing Donkey Kong in this movie. Why does Seth Rogen continue to get work outside of his kikery? The guy sucks at acting, writing, producing, voice work and pottery while being an entitled faggot on social media. I want to watch him get shoved into an oven.

The trailer is a lot better than I expected. Looks like a decent movie to take your kids to.
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The untalented kike Seth Rogen is playing Donkey Kong in this movie. Why does Seth Rogen continue to get work outside of his kikery? The guy sucks at acting, writing, producing, voice work and pottery while being an entitled faggot on social media. I want to watch him get shoved into an oven.

The trailer is a lot better than I expected. Looks like a decent movie to take your kids to.
I wished they picked a nigger for Donkey Kong.