Student debt is for faggots; if you have it, fuck you thinking I should pay for it.



It would first require premium taxes for people who choose unhealthy lifestyles: fat, smokers, etc. so basically we’d be right back at where insurance used to be when it was working fine.
Doesnt quality of care drop also? Like doctors dont get paid as much so they arent as good. Idk 16, politics


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I have to pay off mine and agree. As nice as it is not to pay some of them back, it's bullshit that it's going to cost others.


During all if the “interest freezes” i continued to do the right thing and pay off the loans while others thought it was a time to relax. Meanwhile i could have done the same thing as them and get it all paid off for me if this shit goes through. I’ll get motherfucked for being responsible

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I was as retarded as they come as an 18 year old but one of the smartest things I ever did was follow my gut and drop out before the student debt piled up. My monthly statements for the loans I took out were only 60 bucks and I had it paid off in no time. I am currently making more than most of the people I know who graduated with 4 year degrees which isn’t saying much but still.

All that being said can you really blame millennials for wanting that debt wiped off their record? The entire thing is a Jewish scam, if millennials were smarter we could unite together to pogrom the banking kikes and use the proceeds to fund a fleet of fake carnival cruise lines that we could use as bait to ship all the niggers back to Africa


I’ve been sitting on my last $10k for the past couple years in case of this happening. I think its insane but couldnt pass up the opportunity
It may be a bullshit proposal, but if it goes through, don't feel guilty about taking it. Never leave money on the table, especially when the long nose tribe is always reaching in your pockets for it.