Stu lightning


Gone but not forgotten. Smile of an angel.
“I’m the child of Holocaust survivors; I don’t appreciate Jewish people dragged out in public early in the morning,” Herskowitz said.
And the people who lived in NJ and NY before the Satmar orthodox freak invasion don't appreciate being totally overrun by hordes of worthless, smelly, babbling weirdos who hide behind their bullshit "faith" and "the Holocaust" every time they get caught pulling a mortgage scam or raping a child. They are not "Jews", they are an organized crime cult. Forget about staging raids and sting operations in Lakewood, what they need to do is stage some sort of large-scale "accident", like Bhopal. Those freaks are a parasitic drain on society who bring absolutely nothing of merit to the culture or the economy. The blacks sing and play sports well, the spics work like dogs and have good food, the chinks are great at math and dry cleaning, the dotheads love medical school, the regular Jews run the entertainment and banking businesses, even the fags throw great parties. But the orthodox weirdos? Nothing.