Steven Speilberg fucking sucks

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
what do you call a subversive asshole?


seriously though what's with the bagels being a hate-crime for heebs?

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
his movies are so sloppy man, why come he didnt reshoot some of the sloppy as shit scenes is beyond me. all the props in his movies look like toys, in Saving matt damon the first Normandy scene someone got his gut blew open with the intestines hanging out, its clearly some plastic shit placed on the actors fat gut



Do people really think Schindlers List is a bad movie? <Insert Holocaust is fake joke here>

Seriously, does anyone think it’s badly made?
No, I think it's pretty good actually. I watched it twice and I have no urge to ever see it again. The old Heebs putting rocks on the Schindler's grave was unintentionally hilarious.


This looks like the most self indulgent piece of shit he's made yet

Eh gads. I mean seriously Steve. That was fucking embarrassing. What kind of God complex creates this kind of overblown perspective?

And how is this even a movie? Seems like the most mundane existence imaginable. I overcame a clearly brain addled Judd Hirsch yelling at me to play the piano so I could gift you all with Close Encounters of the Third Kind!

Also, bat shit crazy Michelle Williams plays my bat shit crazy mom! Give me a raise!


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
No, I think it's pretty good actually. I watched it twice and I have no urge to ever see it again. The old Heebs putting rocks on the Schindler's grave was unintentionally hilarious.
I liked the German sniping herbs from his balcony. Actually the dude was removed from his positive for shit like that and was going to be prosecuted by the Nazis but the war was so close to lost they didn't bother

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
I liked the German sniping herbs from his balcony. Actually the dude was removed from his positive for shit like that and was going to be prosecuted by the Nazis but the war was so close to lost they didn't bother
I got in trouble for laughing at that scene when we watched it in high school. Ditto Red Asphalt. Watch out, don't cut yourself on the edge.


I saw the Post, it was like a blatant rip-off of Spotlight except all the drama was over something not even that important.