Steven Speilberg fucking sucks


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Has he made a great film since Private Ryan? I enjoyed parts of Catch Me If You Can and Munich but can't think of many others

I've only seen two of the movies he's made in the last 15 years - War of the Worlds and Ready Player One. I'll admit I did like Ready Player One a lot more than I thought I would but War of the Worlds sucked shit.

Conclusion - Kike!


idk Paul Dano is normally really good in shit. Likely not gonna be able to salvage this faggotry, but still.

He sucked as The Riddler, they really motherfucked Fezzie!



Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
What the fuck is wrong with you where you hated WotW but thought "Hey, remember le quirky NERD THING XD?!" was ok?

I know, Ready Player One was ridiculous pandering bullshit. I admit that. I think I just ignored it because the Shining scene was so well done.

War of the Worlds was fucking terrible though. So fucking bad. When the aliens first appeared it was pretty damn cool but the rest of the movie was just garbage.
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Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
He has so much money he doesn't even care anymore. Honestly, how many of his movies have you seen since Saving Private Ryan?

According this, I haven't watched one of his movies since 2008. The last decent one was War of the Worlds, but it had a really corny Independence Day third act.

2021 - West Side Story
2018 - Ready Player One
2017 - The Post
2016 - The BFG
2015 - Bridge of Spies
2012 - Lincoln
2011 - War Horse
2011 - The Adventures of Tintin
2008 - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
2005 - Munich
2005 - War of the Worlds
2004 - The Terminal
2002 - Catch Me If You Can
2002 - Minority Report
2001 - A.I. Artificial Intelligence
Has he made a great film since Private Ryan? I enjoyed parts of Catch Me If You Can and Munich but can't think of many others
Minority Report kind of peters out at the end, but the first 2/3rds kick ass.

I also wouldn't call Lincoln a great film, but I consider it the work of a skilled director.