Spiralling into depression/mental illness MEGATHREAD




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Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
I'm done with politics (even though he's not a ffffawkin' politician....) so don't care to look into that, but that was a good speech.
Couple of months ago, I went to a liquor store and asked the cashier who he voted for (it was voting day) and he said "Labour" and I said "yeah well I put them fucking last" and he still had to put my bottles in a box for me. Fucking worthless cunt.

....what was the question again? Oh yeah, Bosi's okay. Hope he's for real.


Couple of months ago, I went to a liquor store and asked the cashier who he voted for (it was voting day) and he said "Labour" and I said "yeah well I put them fucking last" and he still had to put my bottles in a box for me. Fucking worthless cunt.

....what was the question again? Oh yeah, Bosi's okay. Hope he's for real.

Do you ever think about how we're so like, aware of jews and how broken the system is, to the point where we make fun of conservatives for being faggots

But then there's a step of men even further below that, who are leftwing
How the fuck do you exist like that as an adult man?

You should have drunk one of the bottles until there was only a bit left, watered it down, returned it and said it came like that and tasted weird.
That little bitch would 100% have to give you a free bottle.


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Do you ever think about how we're so like, aware of jews and how broken the system is, to the point where we make fun of conservatives for being faggots

But then there's a step of men even further below that, who are leftwing
How the fuck do you exist like that as an adult man?

In the Tomlinson zone, as a fat and retarded capeshit eunuch?


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Tomlinson is severely mentally ill and doesn't count as human. But there's so many leftwing faggots out in public who are actual people.
I don't believe Patrick is mentally ill.

Patrick is a 1.7 dullard. An oaf. A dunderhead. Absolutely incapable of any self-reflection.

Patrick's behavior in a person of average intelligence would be mental illness, as a reasonably intelligent person is able to connect cause and effect.

Patrick is too dull. He's given solutions to his problems daily and is too retarded to be anything but combative. And ser Piggy of Hovel is btfo'd daily by 'no stlakers' his every waking hour.


I don't believe Patrick is mentally ill.

Patrick is a 1.7 dullard. An oaf. A dunderhead. Absolutely incapable of any self-reflection.

Patrick's behavior in a person of average intelligence would be mental illness, as a reasonably intelligent person is able to connect cause and effect.

Patrick is too dull. He's given solutions to his problems daily and is too retarded to be anything but combative. And ser Piggy of Hovel is btfo'd daily by 'no stlakers' his every waking hour.
patrick's a fag


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
Couple of months ago, I went to a liquor store and asked the cashier who he voted for (it was voting day) and he said "Labour" and I said "yeah well I put them fucking last" and he still had to put my bottles in a box for me. Fucking worthless cunt.

....what was the question again? Oh yeah, Bosi's okay. Hope he's for real.


The monotony of life really is a motherfucker. Especially when you live in your own head so much. Try not to be too hard on yourself. Focus only on things you can control and don’t set your expectations too high.

It’s all easier said than done, and i really struggle with it too, but you’re a funny and good dude.