Speaking as the son of a professional bull rider


Like thats going to stop it from happening in mexico? lol I go to cock fights here in America all the time


I still like the theory where his dad is a masculine guy who did a lot of this shit for fun. He probably liked guns so he did the NRA thing and was an instructor. He was a little wild so he raced snowmobiles as a hobby. He would never claim to be a professional bull rider but he's the kind of guy who would do something like that on a dare. He probably did it a couple times at the county fair or something because he's a man's man.

And he's disgusted with Rick. He'll help him out when asked (like the time he re-upholstered the seats in the V6) because he's a dad and that's what real dads do. But I like to think that he hates himself for how Pat turned out. A sniveling pussy who abandoned his daughter and spends his time wrapped in a pink blankie on the couch with his cats. No job. Nothing to be proud of, like a family or a nice house. Nothing masculine about him except his wife.

That's why we never see any Tomlinson family pics. His dad doesn't want him over there because while he could probably tolerate him for a couple hours for dinner, Pat can't keep his mouth shut about politics and Tommy can't stand his cuntiness. So Rick eats at Hooligans with his "found family" and Mama Raven visits him later in the day and brings her Special Boy a plate of leftovers.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
He does that a lot. Stupid bullshit like "Son of a high school psychiatrist/guidance counselor here". So fucking what, stupid, you got a 1.7 through high school. His mom must have been a shitty counselor because he kept taking courses that he wouldn't do well in. She should have had his dumb ass in the easiest classes.

His dad also apparently has/had about a dozen careers, probably mostly so Piggy could Kool-Aid man into Tweets and oink an opinion for dopamine hits.
I love that there are so many people that have committed to calling him out.


what da?
  1. Horses always land on their hooves when dropped from a height.
  2. They have an incredible sense of hearing and smell but limited eye sight.
  3. Horses sleep with only half their brain at a time.
  4. If you cut off a horses tail and second horse will grow from it.

1.7* GPA Pat horse facts.