"Spaz" is apparently now an offensive word

Opie Army

I coulda been a mawdull
Wouldn't surprise me. He was always such a thin skinned faggot, even when people still liked him. I know he particularly hated .net and the forums after it blew up.

"FucktheBagandFBA" or whatever it was called was probably my favorite board. They had some serious hatred for OnA lol.
I hope Sink & VagPoop & those dudes haven't OD'd

Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
There's a UK vs US difference.

In the UK, this toy would not have made it to market:

Transformers toy called 'Spastic' won't be sold in UK | Metro News'Spastic' won't be sold in UK | Metro News

But, in the UK you could have a black man voice the role of a cartoon monkey and no one would bat an eyelid.

In Australia, you can show black people eating fried chicken and only Americans manage to find a problem with it.

But, if Australia wins a cricket match against Cunt Fucker's country, don't be too shocked to see headlines reading "We bashed the Pakis!"

That headline would raise an eyebrow in the UK.

Different countries, different standards. :unsure:

Me? I'm just happy that as a straight cit-het white male who has black friends and lesbrian friends I am shattering the world view of racist cyberstalkers.
Lol are you trying to tell us the people that freak "oot" over chink flu and "riot in piss" are based? They are shit mang