South Park is horrible now.


Don't thank the felon, Keith
If you’re talking about the Cupid Ye episode I agree but the rest of the season was much stronger than anything they put out in the past few years. They went back to original stories that featured pop culture rather than the other way around. Try the Japanese Toilet episode or the ChatGPT one and see if you hate the season still.
Lynch knew that when he created Twin Peaks. He wanted to create a show with narrative stasis -- lots happening but nothing revealed -- a mystery from beginning to end. Of course the medium/execs beat him and so it's revealed that Bob/TV kills Laura and the show. It took him a film and a sequel series 25 years later to salvage his vision.
Not only that, but he rendered the old series meaningless, as if it'd never happened in the first place.


Total deconstruction. Laura jumps off James' motorcycle at Sparkwood and 21, and Cooper intervenes, which means she never goes to Leo's cabin in the woods. The entire mythology is erased. And the TP fan service he did deliver was all skewed, off its axis, and warped.
I like how he finally brought the main character back at the end of one episode, only to completely change his character again at the start of the next episode.


Don't thank the felon, Keith
haven’t even seen the episode yet, but the fact that they had to change the character makes me doubt them already.

What character change are you talking about wyzz?

Also hahaha holee shit


oh right i forgot


Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain

Probably my favorite scene in the entire show. Everything in it makes me laugh from Denver having committed 638 errors to Randy imagining Sharon cheering him on despite her yelling at him to stop the entire episode. That was peak Randy. Early Randy was just a dad. The last 8 seasons of him has been insufferable. This was the happy medium.

Season 9 was the best one for sure.

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
I've been sleeping on the new Porky's Butthole but seeing all these glowing endorsements by the brothermen convinced me to give a watch.

The samurai one where they hit Butter’s in the eye with a throwing star and dress him up like a dog (not the actual title)

i hate to lament this point

but mike judge is a better comic for not addressing trump
It's the smart thing to do when dealing with something so polarizing that you've got two sides who essentially live in their own alternate realities and both of them are delusional. You either lean to one of them and get flack from the other or take a subdued, middle-of-the-road approach that can't actually satirize anything properly.

That's assuming you even want to discuss it. South Park's brand has been to comment on current events so they really couldn't have afford to disregard Trump. Mike Judge's work has this kind of weird charming timelessness to it. It's clear he's an intelligent writer who knows how to sidestep all the holes the self-important fall into and he keeps his focus on what matters.


I've been sleeping on the new Porky's Butthole but seeing all these glowing endorsements by the brothermen convinced me to give a watch.


It's the smart thing to do when dealing with something so polarizing that you've got two sides who essentially live in their own alternate realities and both of them are delusional. You either lean to one of them and get flack from the other or take a subdued, middle-of-the-road approach that can't actually satirize anything properly.

That's assuming you even want to discuss it. South Park's brand has been to comment on current events so they really couldn't have afford to disregard Trump. Mike Judge's work has this kind of weird charming timelessness to it. It's clear he's an intelligent writer who knows how to sidestep all the holes the self-important fall into and he keeps his focus on what matters.
The only political thing I remember from Mike Judge was the King of the Hill episode where Hank meets Bush and can't vote for him because he had a limp handshake.


"If you serve somebody and they serve you back, it's on!"
around then is when I think was the peak

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
The only political thing I remember from Mike Judge was the King of the Hill episode where Hank meets Bush and can't vote for him because he had a limp handshake.
And even that's not even really a dig at Bush or anything, it's just another reflection of Hank's character as this down-to-earth Texan boomer and how he looks at the world.

A lesser writer would've made it all about Trump's little hands or whatever instead of an opportunity for using the comedic protagonist as fodder for comedy, which is the entire fucking point of a show like that.