Sorry to post about politics but where we at with the Pelosi going to Taiwan?


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer


Taiwan is a weird situation where it absolutely matters who controls the nation but nobody wins if they force their hand. If either side looks like they'd lose in a war over it, they just bomb the shit out of the semi-conductor industry before quitting. Fucks everyone in the world.

Pelosi's jugs probably anger and excite the chinks in equal measure.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Look at this vile old cunt. Nice mask, stupid.


Also, of course, she says they’re upset because she’s a woman:

"I think they made a big fuss because I'm Speaker - I don't know whether that's the reason or an excuse. Because they didn't say anything when the men came."

Fuck off and go back to your homeless-infested shithole of a city.