Sorry to post about politics but where we at with the Pelosi going to Taiwan?



IDGAF what anyone says, i'd still anoint her beefers with my spud


JFK knew:


Imagine all the Establishment cawk she took up her turd cutter over the years? Sexy shit
In the case where death is a possibility you send someone expendable. I highly doubt anything happens but if it did that's the person you want to be there. Someone high enough on the totem pole so it looks good politically. But also if she gets whacked it really doesn't slow down anything here.

It's not like they would send Biden or Harris. At this point I'm convinced that Harris is a hologram. I haven't seen her since the inauguration. That's been the best thing about this administration.. you hardly see them.


I broke my knee man!
China will say 'Oh you better not do it' like they have how many times? It's the same shit North Korea does. 'Oh you better not, for real this time, I'm super serious'. China is just as aware as we are that anything beyond a proxy war between modern nations will end in mutual destruction.

It's weird because without nuclear weapons, some people might start some shit. Nukes just take everything to such a bizarre place that I think even brain-rotted dotards like Biden or ultra-ambitious, drone-world produced meklords such as Xi don't really want the world detroyed on their watch. So what do you do? China has pretty much declared war on the US through 'non conventional' means. IE hacking, industrial theft, undermining key global-political relationships. So where next? You start shooting planes down and that takes things to the military intervention level, which doesn't really have an undo button.

You're basically left with two guys battle-rapping outside a nightclub. Talking shit, saying they have friends who will back them up, saying 'if you touch me I'll fuck you up!' and then the other guy takes a pen out of his pocket and touches him with the pen so according to one person's rules he did touch him, but according to the other guy's rules, he really didn't.

You know what, maybe we should hand over all this shit to women. They seem to love obsessing over passive-aggressive bullshit between two parties so perhaps the future of politics is female after all.