Song Time with Cunt and Fag

Mustard's affectation

still rockin' the hawk
That’s a lot to read faggot, I’m supposed to be impressed by your rants?

Who made you fucking forum mod, if you don’t like what I post crash and it move on
feels that’s what normal people do, not have 4 day autistic bender over it.

There’s a fucking reason why I shared that number, very ribbing if you dial it.

Yeah oooh I’m totally fucking Jackie! Caught me. You are legit the only 1 here that has any issue with what I post.

Seems everyone enjoys the Nana updates, you don’t find it funny seeing an older lonely man spend his final years on socials being scared of fake boogie men.

Oh wow I’m supposed to scared by 30-50 year old “bully” wow how tough
They just like talking shit and seething about him. They over look how gay you are cause theyre addicted to this. I only dislike you cause you're obviously a usurper, from Reddit, and kill the mood around here. There's nothing funny about being upset by someione elses racism stupid, and then trolling him online for it. It's so goddamn queer

Mustard's affectation

still rockin' the hawk

Mustard's affectation

still rockin' the hawk
and what everyone loves you?
No I didn't say that.

You're worse than Cakehorn, at least he wasn't a big political fruit like you are, he was occasionally kinda funny, and he didn't ruin the board the way you do. You're tainting this place with the spectre of your gay political indignation and your thinly veiled Reddit activist mentality haunts the forums. It's awful. And you already admitted it that you dislike him cause of politics alone.

Fuck even Minaw was more tolerable than you are. That's saying something.