Song Time with Cunt and Fag

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
Lol, he actually has the sopranos painting, 14 year old-brained faggot.
Fair play to missy, hiding her awful feet.
"hey, should we fuck?"
"lets do karaoke baby"
I love how he's got 15 years at most to live and spends it filming his beard singing, and raging at twitter.
And you just KNOW he shuffled that painting into frame for this tweet.


2 point vig
No doubt that Anthony will cosplay as a member of The Sopranos. Interjecting himself into fictional situations from the show

The picture is lame, and only worked in context of the show. It is like those kids in college who have the Belusih photo of him holding the bottle of Jack Daniel’s
The amount of pictures sitting on the floor propped up against the wall in this retards house is ridiculous.
The swishy old queen has nothing but free time, yet he can't spend fifteen minutes hanging his gay pictures like a normal person. It's just more garbage for Missy to unceremoniously heave into the rented dumpster after the decrepit old cum-sponge finally dies.

Sue Lightning

Isn’t Compound North, the studio in NYC now? That he’s paying rent for to use maybe 2 a month ?
No Compound North was his LI home (that he sold for a loss). The only reason they were coined is because he owned the LI home and SC home at the same time.

He also ripped Bro Joe off, hoo hoo, because Joe would call HIS home “Compound South” before all this shit

Sue Lightning

Anthony pretending to be happy he moved down into BumFuck SC, and having to keep Missy around, is ribs
Anthony is becoming gayer in real time. In NY he was shacked up in that dingy apartment all alone and consumed with his video game nonsense. Screaming at Missy because she wants to sleep at 3am.

But now he’s not really doing that. Remember when he used to do the karaoke streams alone, or with bro joe, or his one black friend? The only people he hangs out with now are women. If he had any other option he would pull his fake bullshit “Ewww girls are yucky!” routine , but we ALL know he loves being the GBF. He’s unironically happier in this sashaying limp wristed Southern fantasy than he was before…somehow