Something up w/Anicas twitter

She's gaining weight lol.

Her upper arms are fat and she's got armpit bulge:

If anyone ever wanted to fuck the Great Value Mickey Rourke, now's your chance.

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
Nice terrible ass tattoos, stupid.

Mimir (?) from God of War 2018. I’m personally tattoo-free and think they’re trashy, but that’s a funny one to get for a gamer chick. I’m pretty sure she got it right there because that’s where Kratos keeps the head of Mimir when he’s walking around with him.

yes I’m a huge faggot

Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
I see a lot of us saying she’s a “literal whore”. Did I miss something? I thought she took some semi-nude pics for a fundraiser once and that was it.