Some chick puked on my dick last night

Went to go meet up this chick I met on Tinder. Uber over to her place and I could tell she wanted to fuck. So we talk for a bit, chug a Bud Light rita to get buzzed a bit than start making out. She goes to start sucking my dick and the next thing I know she fucking puked all over it. Fucking nasty. She got really drunk cause she rolled off the bed and then started puking on the floor so I got the fuck out of there. Fucking women
Went to go meet up this chick I met on Tinder. Uber over to her place and I could tell she wanted to fuck. So we talk for a bit, chug a Bud Light rita to get buzzed a bit than start making out. She goes to start sucking my dick and the next thing I know she fucking puked all over it. Fucking nasty. She got really drunk cause she rolled off the bed and then started puking on the floor so I got the fuck out of there. Fucking women


I've never done the dating apps but I've heard it's very low quality.

I hope you left a skidmark on her bed atleast.
I've never done the dating apps but I've heard it's very low quality.

I hope you left a skidmark on her bed atleast.
I've only done Tinder and I've had some pretty good fucks on it. Most of the 8's and above will only get for rich kikes or bros from wall street type families because it's all about status, but you can still hook up with some pretty good looking girls. Even some of the trashier ones are good looking. I fucked this hot 18 year old red head while her parents were out of town for a week and their house was messy as fuck. Just piles of books and papers and shit all over the place, fireplace was boarded up etc. But it was in a nice neighborhood so you'd never know it was like a trap house from the outside. But the pussy was good so it didn't matter.


Pay attention to how nervous I am
Went to go meet up this chick I met on Tinder. Uber over to her place and I could tell she wanted to fuck. So we talk for a bit, chug a Bud Light rita to get buzzed a bit than start making out. She goes to start sucking my dick and the next thing I know she fucking puked all over it. Fucking nasty. She got really drunk cause she rolled off the bed and then started puking on the floor so I got the fuck out of there. Fucking women
