Sober faggotry

The Fuchitive

Still alive as of January 2024
And most of the time their "addiction" wasn't even that bad. Like Worm's. I guarantee you Sam Tripoli was never addicted to coke but he talks about being in recovery all the time... Something about him just makes me think he did coke once or twice a week and just acted like a retard.
Sam Tripoli was and still very much is addicted to coke amongst other shit. It’s the “recovery” part that’s an aesthetic thing for him

Riccardo Bosi

watches seasons 3-9 all the time, child.
"did my first TEDx Talk at 49"

lol some don't realise but you actually have to PAY to do those, and TEDx is the nigger version of TED Talks to boot. He's bragging because he did something similar to Rick's "Elon Musk is Full of Shit" presentation -- ANYBODY CAN DO IT!! :image_9247_m:

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
they actually tell people you could get drunk once a year on New Years Eve and not touch a drop the rest of the year makes you an alcoholic and an addict.
I remember that spiel from high school health class. It seemed retarded at the time, and my assessment hasn't changed. Sure, if your definition of alcoholism is solely "drinks in a pattern" then a single sip of port every Christmas Eve makes one just as much an alcoholic as the guy who can't stop drinking for six hours or he'll die, but it's a meaningless Tomlinson technicality.


Stand Alone Fruit
I remember that spiel from high school health class. It seemed retarded at the time, and my assessment hasn't changed. Sure, if your definition of alcoholism is solely "drinks in a pattern" then a single sip of port every Christmas Eve makes one just as much an alcoholic as the guy who can't stop drinking for six hours or he'll die, but it's a meaningless Tomlinson technicality.
Worst part of the classes was out of 20-25 people in the weekly classes not ONE person had a job. Why? They can’t work, they’re in recovery! Forever! And they would tell them how to get all kinds of government money through all kinds of scams. They would even tell them what to write and all. Mind you these were mostly all young people - 20s and early 30s but were all told they can’t work because they had too much to drink one night or got caught with weed.


I had to take drug / alcohol classes after getting a DUI close to 15 years ago and they actually tell people you could get drunk once a year on New Years Eve and not touch a drop the rest of the year makes you an alcoholic and an addict. It’s that “once an addict always an addict” thing they’re told to tell themselves. There’s a lot of these “I’m in recovery” people like Worm who never had a problem to begin with and most likely only drank / did drugs a handful of times. I was told since I liked to drink I was an alcoholic AND a drug addict because alcohol is a drug. Those government funded “recovery” places do a lot of shady shit and convince weak people they’re never get better. Also most of the counselors are selling drugs on the side to the people in the classes.
It's a huge scam. I met some faggot who'd been to rehab thirteen times on the taxpayer's dime and wanted a cookie or sumtin' for his bravery. I laughed at him.


Calling all simps
i've done the florida shuffle around rehabs and halfway houses i had 18 months sober the first time and 7 months the second time. for me it's more about fucking up ending up warehoused by the system because i left the mental hospital i'm not an out of control addict at all.

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
It’s funny how tattoos aren’t even unique anymore. Just about everyone has them so they’re getting their skin inked to just look like everyone else.

i think people who say “i need to schedule some ink therapy” should be out down

also people referring to tattoos as “ink” should be euthanized as well

Queefer Sutherland

Fix me, Josh!
From 23-29, I could drink a case of beer a day. It was fun.

At the age of 30, I stopped drinking.

At 40, I have a full head of hair. Only about 10 of them are gray. I am not fat. I also have passive income and don't need a full time job.
I could probably start drinking again and no one would notice because I'm not a fatass or a retard. I also don't burden anyone with my bullshit.

Also, I realized Twitter is gay the day I first heard about it.