Sober faggotry

Mr. Faggotry

The world’s expert on faggotry


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
People needing validation for just regular shit drives me crazy
That, and people posting their fruity lifestories on social media like something out of the Hero's Journey.

"This happened to me at 25...
But then this thing happened at 30..."

Yeah, a lot of shit can happen and things can change in the span of five years, dickhead.

And losers who truly have nothing going for them lap this shit up.

Let me guess, this bald-headed tattooed prick is in the "self-improvement" game, and he's a "mentor"?


The worst is when I see people online looking for applause because they’re sober - yet have their own definition for sober. Some look at it as I don’t do hard drugs anymore, I’m sober! But still smoke weed and / or drink.
And most of the time their "addiction" wasn't even that bad. Like Worm's. I guarantee you Sam Tripoli was never addicted to coke but he talks about being in recovery all the time... Something about him just makes me think he did coke once or twice a week and just acted like a retard.


And most of the time their "addiction" wasn't even that bad. Like Worm's. I guarantee you Sam Tripoli was never addicted to coke but he talks about being in recovery all the time... Something about him just makes me think he did coke once or twice a week and just acted like a retard.
He puts on the zooted expression...he really thinks he looks 'cool' looking bugged out and out of it.


Stand Alone Fruit
And most of the time their "addiction" wasn't even that bad. Like Worm's. I guarantee you Sam Tripoli was never addicted to coke but he talks about being in recovery all the time... Something about him just makes me think he did coke once or twice a week and just acted like a retard.
I had to take drug / alcohol classes after getting a DUI close to 15 years ago and they actually tell people you could get drunk once a year on New Years Eve and not touch a drop the rest of the year makes you an alcoholic and an addict. It’s that “once an addict always an addict” thing they’re told to tell themselves. There’s a lot of these “I’m in recovery” people like Worm who never had a problem to begin with and most likely only drank / did drugs a handful of times. I was told since I liked to drink I was an alcoholic AND a drug addict because alcohol is a drug. Those government funded “recovery” places do a lot of shady shit and convince weak people they’re never get better. Also most of the counselors are selling drugs on the side to the people in the classes.