So.... what's next?


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Biden is going to step down and Kamala will become president. It will be shortly after January 20, 2023 so she has the possibility of running for 2 terms of her own. It will be explained as a sudden decline in physical health like it's a shock and nothing will be mentioned about his puddin' brain, and what an honorable and better man than Trump he is for doing it.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Biden is going to step down and Kamala will become president. It will be shortly after January 20, 2023 so she has the possibility of running for 2 terms of her own. It will be explained as a sudden decline in physical health like it's a shock and nothing will be mentioned about his puddin' brain, and what an honorable and better man than Trump he is for doing it.
God I hope this isn’t true
I'm going with a food and energy crisis that will potentially lead to a controlled, yet massive economic collapse.

The 'boiling the frog' method of slowly taking us towards the NWO/Agenda 30 shit doesn't work all the time when the changes you're trying to implement are so life altering.

You need the occasional big manufactured 'crisis' to help 'reset' society and that requires a COVID type scenario where you make 'temporary' changes to everyday life that you never intend to go back on.


I have a face like a shovel
so, check this out:
- Controversial Republican President
- one term Democratic President
- 8 years of "AMERICA FUCK YEAH"

that was basically Nixon to Reagan-right? (for the sake of this post- we'll ignore that Gerald Ford period)

so, is Desantis gonna be "America Fuck Yeah"?
Crypto crash. Get ready for a billion sad stories about zoomers who "lost everything" when their "crypto exchanges" went belly-up. "Something MUST be done!".


Yeah. It’s gonna happen. Soon. Just watch.
Prepare to be disappointed.

You do realize "protesting" was invented by them to make it seem like the masses are doing something right?

They literally see themselves as shepherds and the 'masses' as cattle and they're right, and you expect cattle to illicit change.

Actually we're less than cattle because they at least have the ability to cause a stampede, the masses don't. They're managed, corralled, cullable, replaceable, etc. to the fullest degree.


Crypto crash. Get ready for a billion sad stories about zoomers who "lost everything" when their "crypto exchanges" went belly-up. "Something MUST be done!".
Someone I work told me he's lost over 6k due to crypto crashing. Him saying 6 probably really means 8. Either way, he said it was practically his life savings. It's hard not to laugh because it reminds me of someone loosing everything in Vegas.

You only supposed put in what you're willing to lose, stupid.
Prepare to be disappointed.

You do realize "protesting" was invented by them to make it seem like the masses are doing something right?

They literally see themselves as shepherds and the 'masses' as cattle and they're right, and you expect cattle to illicit change.

Actually we're less than cattle because they at least have the ability to cause a stampede, the masses don't. They're managed, corralled, cullable, replaceable, etc. to the fullest degree.
Prepare for the great awakening


Trouble In Tomlinson Town
Push back from who? the "masses"? LOL.

When things get bad enough people will try, but it will just be called white supremacy and you'll have a Boston Massacre style event on your hands. That will be the main shit test of American complacency. Something I just thought of, they call us the same term doctors use when they find a tumor. "Masses." They're really planning on killing billions in the next century.
Someone I work told me he's lost over 6k due to crypto crashing. Him saying 6 probably really means 8. Either way, he said it was practically his life savings. It's hard not to laugh because it reminds me of someone loosing everything in Vegas.

You only supposed put in what you're willing to lose, stupid.
It's very much like a casino. You can indeed win money, but only if you cash out while you're ahead, obviously. Anyone with a significant balance in one of those fugazi exchanges should cash the fuck out and turn that shit into real money while they can, because as soon as there's any kind of genuine run, they're all going belly-up. A few of them already have, "freezing" accounts and not letting holders cash out, or offering them other bullshit tokens instead of real money.