So.... what's next?



Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
At this point I gotta assume if the Ukraine stuff can’t push the NWO ball forward they’re going to go right back to the COVID/vax stuff. They’re doing the second booster roll out right now and Fauci has been popping up out of whatever gay sex club he was hiding in to make appearances on the 24 hour news channels. You gotta figure the kikes running the show in DC and Tel Aviv have to be pleased with the success of the Covid hoax.. this entire thing has been 50x more effective than 9/11 and they don’t even need to astroturf a controlled demo fake terrorist attack to cow the populace. They just say go on the TV and say “new strain” and people are muzzling themselves willingly and begging for yet another mystery Jew goo kill shot.


They're going to need something to demonize Joe Rogan, Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker Carlsen, etc. ahead of the midterms so I'm guessing it will be more culture war shit.

eh i think it'll be the other way, since both parties are the same shit ((( they))) dont care who's in power, i think theyll push the nigger supreme court judge and some more looney shit to get republicans riled up for the mid terms, dems lose, theyre literally killing us, etc.,

the right feels motherfucked the past two years with fauci, covid, inflation, being called racist, the tranny shit, shady election,
the left is content with the cadaver in chief making lynching a federal crime, groundbreaking

2004: bush
2006: democrat mid win
2008: obama
2010: republican mid win
2012: obama
2014: republican mid win
2016 trump
2018 dem mid win
2020 biden

i know, be more funnay. sorry for the autism.


Acceleration time:

"But that's just in pockets of California." This is just the beginning.

Add that with Biden recently admitting this whole gas fiasco is to hasten our move away from fossil fuels:

Get out of the cities and buy productive land and learn how you can sustain yourselves as much as possible is all I'm saying. No one can be truly independent of course but at least you can mitigate some of the pressures.


Acceleration time:

[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]

"But that's just in pockets of California." This is just the beginning.

Add that with Biden recently admitting this whole gas fiasco is to hasten our move away from fossil fuels: [URL][/URL]

Get out of the cities and buy productive land and learn how you can sustain yourselves as much as possible is all I'm saying. No one can be truly independent of course but at least you can mitigate some of the pressures.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get back to "Elder Protocols Of Zion" on the iPad, Chunk-Li