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blah vlah blah blahIf you look into it, bisexual men don't really seem to exist. There are men who have sex with both women and men, but:
What about bisexual men? Although there are clearly men who call themselves “bisexual” and who have sex with both men and women, both scientists and laypeople have long been skeptical that men with bisexual arousal patterns exist. Kurt Freund, who invented penile plethysmography, related that he was never able to find a subset of men who appeared bisexual in the lab. Although their data are less scientific, gay men share Freund’s skepticism. They have a saying: “You’re either gay, straight, or lying.” In contrast, many women are bisexual; perhaps most are, at least in their sexual arousal patterns.
---The social constructionists have offered Greek pederasty, the Sambia, and the British boarding school experience as proof that men are innately bisexual. Although there may be something to their argu- ment, it can’t get them as far as they’d like to go. They can’t explain the contemporary Western gay man. All these men grew up in a cul- ture that gave homosexuality an inferior status compared with hetero- sexuality. Many of them were at some point highly motivated to be straight, and some tried—through prayer, therapy, or marriage. If bi- sexuality—meaning indifference to the choice between male and fe- male sex partners—were in them, then it should have been easy for them to conform to the heterosexual norm. But it wasn’t.
Recall gay men’s skepticism about men who claim to be bisexual. (“You’re either gay, straight, or lying.”) My lab has been trying to find bisexual men by studying men’s erections to male versus female sexual stimuli. A truly bisexual man should become substantially aroused to both sexes. Out of approximately 30 men who claim to be bisexual, only 2 have sexual arousal patterns that might be classified as bisexual. Most of the rest had a gay arousal pattern; a few had a straight pattern. In the right culture, most men might be capable of some sexual arousal to both sexes. However, this doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t have stronger feelings for one sex or the other. Most would probably have much stronger feelings for women, and a minority would have much stronger feelings for men.
J. Michael Bailey, The Man Who Would Be Queen
As I've said before, Jim is not and has never been a closeted homosexual. Instead he is kind of (closeted) latent autogynephilic tranny. They are fucked up heterosexual men who find women endlessly sexy but for whatever fucked up reason THEY want to be that sexy woman of their dreams sucking dick. Brothermen who just conclude 'he's a faggot' can't explain Jim's past behavior with women. "Autogynephilia is a misdirected type of heterosexual impulse, which arises in association with normal heterosexuality but also competes with it."
With Princess Jim can 1) live his own twisted tranny fantasies through him 2) suck cock 3) pretend it's somehow all somewhat normal
Autogynephilia accounts for a variety of phenomena that seem otherwise disconnected.
Take cross-dressing. At the time that Blanchard came up with autogynephilia, the prevailing explanation of erotic cross-dressing was that it was like a fetish, a mere association of sexual arousal with inani- mate objects. But there were obvious problems with this con- ceptualization. Most men find garter belts and bras to be sexy, prob- ably because of their association with scantily clad women, but most men do not put them on and look at themselves in the mirror. Nor do cross-dressers merely wear women’s clothing. While cross-dressed, they typically pretend to be women: taking female names, trying to walk and sometimes talk like women. According to Blanchard, even cross- dressers who do not want to change their sex have autogynephilia, which they share with nonhomosexual transsexuals.
Autogynephilia also accounts for the homosexual-like fantasies of some autogynephilic (i.e., nonhomosexual) transsexuals. These fanta- sies are quite unlike the homosexual fantasies of gay men and homo- sexual transsexuals. They do not focus on characteristics of the male partner, but on the transsexual’s female self interacting with the male.
---To many autogynephiles, the act of being penetrated by a penis is the ultimate statement that one is a woman, and this is perhaps why it is so arousing to some autogynephiles
---How are we to think of autogynephilic men? Are they more like gay men, or like heterosexual men? Do they really have a woman hidden inside them? If so, why do they hide their inner femininity, when some gay men, drag queens, and homosexual transsexuals are extremely and openly feminine from an early age?
The word “autogynephilia” is difficult, even jarring, and this is appropriate—the concept it names is bizarre to most people. In order to understand autogynephilia, it is important to recognize that it dif- fers so much from ordinary experience that it cannot be understood simply. For example, even heterosexual people can understand homo- sexuality by thinking, more or less accurately, “It’s just as if I were attracted to my own sex instead of the other sex.” Autogynephiles are more difficult to fathom.
Blanchard believes that autogynephilia is best conceived as misdi- rected heterosexuality.These men are heterosexual, but due to an error in the development of normal heterosexual preference, the erotic tar-get (a woman) gets located on the inside (the self) rather than the outside.
J. Michael Bailey, The Man Who Would Be Queen
he's a fag.