So Shaggy is a nigger now too? Wtf?

You didn’t mind when he was Chinese.


Charming, funny, and witty, atalker.
I'm beyond the point of caring about woke entertainment. In fact, I get a weird sense of joy seeing how far they can push it. The idea that Shaggy's black, and Velma's gay is fucking hilarious. I hope they turn Daphne into a tranny THOT with an onlyfans account as well.

Most normal people don't care and have long since realised that there's no going back to the "good 'ol days" when you didn't see two fags smooching, miscegenation, or any other progressive act in every advert break or show.

I hope they bring back more Hanna Barbara shows and give them a modern twist. Imagine a relaunch of a serious live-action Hong Kong Phooey where he's actually a dignified Chinese / African-American man who's inoffensively clumsy when fighting white criminals, but still a mild-mannered janitor trying to get by on low wages in this oppressive society. I'd laugh to it.

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
The idea that Shaggy's black, and Velma's gay is fucking hilarious.
Neither claim seems outrageous to me. Others have mentioned Shaggy's niggerish bonafides, but I'll add "hysterical reaction to anything remotely supernatural" to the list. Velma, well that's just a given. Always suspected Fred was a turdpusher, as well.
I'd watch a gritty take on Wacky Races. No, it's got nothing to do with cars.


Neither claim seems outrageous to me. Others have mentioned Shaggy's niggerish bonafides, but I'll add "hysterical reaction to anything remotely supernatural" to the list. Velma, well that's just a given. Always suspected Fred was a turdpusher, as well.
I'd watch a gritty take on Wacky Races. No, it's got nothing to do with cars.
Muttley is a El Goblino