Small Female Cop Tries To Arrest A Man For Riding His Bike On A Sidewalk


  • niggers should behave

  • dumb cunt

  • should apply for Flávia Cleaning Service

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The Backbone of America
Fuck all those cops. Tiny bitch who has no business being a police officer acting tough. Fat old faggot with no knowledge of the situation jumps in and grabs the kid by the throat immediately and keeps doing goofy shit like the cuff thing. Pretty sure the guy with the camera got grabbed by a cop at the end too. When I was younger I would've chimped out a lot harder than that kid did.


Fuck all those cops. Tiny bitch who has no business being a police officer acting tough. Fat old faggot with no knowledge of the situation jumps in and grabs the kid by the throat immediately and keeps doing goofy shit like the cuff thing. Pretty sure the guy with the camera got grabbed by a cop at the end too. When I was younger I would've chimped out a lot harder than that kid did.
the cops were the niggers here IMO.

CuntFucker .

Danny Doll Eyes
The police here are incompetent pieces of shit but the nog violated the law, although in a very minor way. They should have looked the other way because it's not an issue. Still, he should have given the incompetent cunt his ID. I was in the same situation as a teenager once. Had to pay a fine of 10 or 20 bucks. Seems preferable to that kind of scene... That little cunt woman shouldn't have been hired in the first place. Hope she gets raped by a pack of niggers. Maybe that will set her straight. That's an honest CuntFucker opinion.


Seriously, of what use is that woman as a cop? That kid could have one punched her at any time and I imagine anyone could. Like, she's particularly tiny with a stupid, unauthoritative, valley girl bitch voice that most men just naturally can't take seriously.
They need to have a certain percentage of women, Asians, blacks, Hispanics, and now LBGTQs on the force. The city gets special kickbacks for doing so.


Just one kick and you’re free to go.


Punished Dan Mullen

Calamari Ring Leader
The police here are incompetent pieces of shit but the nog violated the law, although in a very minor way. They should have looked the other way because it's not an issue. Still, he should have given the incompetent cunt his ID. I was in the same situation as a teenager once. Had to pay a fine of 10 or 20 bucks. Seems preferable to that kind of scene... That little cunt woman shouldn't have been hired in the first place. Hope she gets raped by a pack of niggers. Maybe that will set her straight. That's an honest CuntFucker opinion.
i got a ticket for that once too when i was a teenage, it was like 30$ and had to spent the whole morning waiting in court. 2 grown ass men actually hid behind some bushes trying to trap people, very brave of em